Discussion topic: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

This message was authored by No10 This message was authored by: No10

Re: Voice not in sync with picture

Thanks but this was the first thing tried.  Initially this did work at all.  The second thing tried was to unplug it for a few minutes and then try again.  This was more successful but of a period of an hour it would soon go out of synch again.


the setting have no effect either.  Nor did a factory reset.  Sky sent an exchange puck but this also failed to work.


Sky then suggest I set the Broadband router to 2.4Ghz instead of its static setting of 5Ghz (because the router is close to the Sky puck.  But this is counterintuitive as this setting is generally used for devices further away).  Regardless I will try this shortly.


I note there are more posts to read through with other things to try but frankly none of this should have to happen.  Sky apparently are unaware of any known issues with Lip Synchronisation so I'd encourage people to call them. 

This message was authored by No10 This message was authored by: No10

Re: Sky puck lip sync issue

Thanks for this.

I've tried virtually everything I'm reading a lot of posts in this thread. I couldn't quite work out what passthrough and PCM were.

Your post, however, confirmed that it was a setting within the Sky Stream puck and not on TV (or for others sound bar!).


I have found that by getting into the PAC sound option and changing the digital audio output HDMI to any other settings, other than auto improves the sync.


This will see me through without having to cancel the service while they find a fix to the software update.



This message was authored by No10 This message was authored by: No10

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

I've just noticed what a useless formum platform, this is.  When you reply to a post, it doesn't actually reply to the post at all it just sticks it as a new post at the end of the list without referencing the post you are applying to.  I assume the person gets a notification saying there's been replied to, but then have to go and find it 😞

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


@No10 wrote:

I've just noticed what a useless formum platform, this is.  When you reply to a post, it doesn't actually reply to the post at all it just sticks it as a new post at the end of the list without referencing the post you are applying to.  I assume the person gets a notification saying there's been replied to, but then have to go and find it 😞

@No10 Using the forum is a learning curve and as far as I know it it not explained anywhere.  Hopefully the following will help you along for future posts.


If you click on reply to a post and then type @ you will get a list of contributors to the thread with the person you are replying to at the top of the list.  Just click on the one you want to reply to.  Also if you click on the quote marks ( ")  in the reply menu it will copy the post you are referring to.


I have done both in this post to show examples. 😀

If my post has solved your issue please mark as an "Answer"
If it has helped please give it a "Like"
This message was authored by Trevski This message was authored by: Trevski

Sound out if sinc

We have tried everything suggested in the help section but still the sound is out of sinc with the picture 

This message was authored by Paul+Dray This message was authored by: Paul+Dray

Re: Voice not in sync with picture

@No10 wrote:

Thanks but this was the first thing tried.  Initially this did work at all.  The second thing tried was to unplug it for a few minutes and then try again.  This was more successful but of a period of an hour it would soon go out of synch again.


the setting have no effect either.  Nor did a factory reset.  Sky sent an exchange puck but this also failed to work.


Sky then suggest I set the Broadband router to 2.4Ghz instead of its static setting of 5Ghz (because the router is close to the Sky puck.  But this is counterintuitive as this setting is generally used for devices further away).  Regardless I will try this shortly.


I note there are more posts to read through with other things to try but frankly none of this should have to happen.  Sky apparently are unaware of any known issues with Lip Synchronisation so I'd encourage people to call them. 

Yeah they always go through the connection variable but this is nothing to do with broadband connection,  bandwidth, Wi-Fi etc. If it was the tv program would stutter or just freeze and give poor/loss of connection messages, not have the video out of sync with the audio, makes no sense.



Pioneer Kuro PDP-LX5090 50in Plasma TV | Yamaha DSP-AX863 SE AV Amp
Sky Stream Puck; Build: QS034.023.02P | Sky Broadband Ultrafast
This message was authored by ISH1962 This message was authored by: ISH1962

Re: Sky puck lip sync issue

I've recently only had lip sync issues, I haven't added any hardware or changed any setting on my setup. It happened without any fault of my tv unit. This can only be a fault with Sky stream. However, I seem to have corrected the fault with a change to my tv sound controls from 'Bitstream' to 'PCM'. Once you have done this the tv resets and it should resolve the issue.

This message was authored by Ian+McK This message was authored by: Ian+McK

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Ok so i have switched to stereo, does that properly handle Dolby Atmos?


This message was authored by Pipball This message was authored by: Pipball

Re: Lip sync problems with puck

Hi, had same problem- tried everything in help section, setting and reset puck. The only thing that fixed it is changing sound to PCM stereo. (actually better sound for speech) . Was about to request a new puck. 

This message was authored by Littletaffia This message was authored by: Littletaffia

Re: Sky puck lip sync issue

In view of the discussions over the last few days I thought I'd better check on the lip sync situation. I have my puck hard wired to the router and by HDMI to a high end Denon AVC. Lip sync has been a problem but became more stable a couple of weeks ago. On checking the sync is perfect. Even watching without the AV surround being used, it does go through the Denon when using the TV speakers and again no sync issues.


However when watching Ch5 earlier this evening the puck decided to go to BBC iPlayer and would not respond to any of the controls on the remote. I was about the disconnect it from the mains when it shut itself down and restarted. How's that for a curve ball!

This message was authored by SkyLimit This message was authored by: SkyLimit

Re: Sky puck lip sync issue

Agree with the above issues. Had Sky Stream in the same setup (Samsung TV, Sonos Beam) for over a year now and no problem. Around a week or so ago, sound is now out of sync with the video. Tried a few of the suggested workarounds but no fix. Reading everyone else's issues surely this must be due to a software update...

This message was authored by Chrisee This message was authored by: Chrisee

Re: Sky puck lip sync issue

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@SkyLimit I have to agree that this is a recent issue but whether introduced in the last firmware change or by an issue somewhere in the servers is less clear as my pucks updated to QS025 some weeks back and I only noticed a lipsync issue on multiple feeds a few days ago..


I tried various work rounds and found choosing "pass through" as the audio output on the puck is the best option for my set up.with an AV amp connected by ARC.

65inch Sky Glass, 3 Sky Streaming Pucks, Sky Ultrafast + and Sky SR213(white Wifi Max hub) main Wifi from 3 TP-Link Deco M4 units in access point mode
This message was authored by Chloe-W22 This message was authored by: Chloe-W22

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Posted by a Sky employee

Morning all,


Our support teams have been investigating lip sync issues that may have been introduced by the recent software update. We believe we might have a fix for this but would like to test it.


If you would like to support us by volunteering to have the software patch sent to your Glass/Stream please private message me your MAC address (found in device Settings).


Community Manager


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This message was authored by Pukkajim This message was authored by: Pukkajim

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Chloe I have sent you a dm to test this. 

will this roll out across all sky stream pucks?

This message was authored by TechMaster This message was authored by: TechMaster

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

I can confirm what others have said but using passthrough setting direct to tv hdmi>earc>soundbar seems to work fine, no sync issues witht that setup


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