Discussion topic: I live in Guernsey, channel islands & when trying to setup my puck it doesn't recognise the postcode

This message was authored by van2 This message was authored by: van2

I live in Guernsey, channel islands & when trying to setup my puck it doesn't recognise the postcode

I was told by a sky advisor if this happened on set up to contact sky who could fix from their end

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This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1 Answer

Re: I live in Guernsey, channel islands & when trying to setup my puck it doesn't recognise the

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @van2 I'm not sure why it would not accept a Guernsey post code as it accepted my Jersey one with no problem when I moved to Glass/Stream a couple of years ago.


This forum is a customer help customer forum so you are not actually addressing Sky and will need to call them direct.  Unfortunately I can't post the number as the forum filters block phone numbers.  However, if you click on the link below and select the “need more help” drop down at the bottom of the page you will see an 0333 phone number to use to call Sky.  https://www.sky.com/help/home#M1014

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