Discussion topic: Freezing still happening

Topic Author
This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Was watching channel 922 just now and all of a sudden got a black screen and did not go back. I had to change channels to get it back


 This really is not good enough and Sky need to do way more

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
Topic Author
This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Black screen

Was watching channel 922 just now and all of a sudden got a black screen and did not go back. I had to change channels to get it back

Did it second time same channel later


 This really is not good enough and Sky need to do way more


Please don't respond and say it's my ISP or network. It's nothing to do with it.


 The puck needs a big overhaul update for it to cope with the streaming

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by red_snow This message was authored by: red_snow

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Same on GB News ..... Just went blank after several bouts of pixelation and breakups!! Add that to the sound sync issues, selecting a channel and it streams an adjacent channel instead and the freezing up when flicking thru menus! Really wish I'd have stuck with Virgin 360!!

Topic Author
This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

@red_snow It really is getting rather tiresome. I wish, like you and many others, it would get enhanced in whatever way is best. I have started a new post under sky stream, so I would also add a comment there, if you see it


Did it second time an hour later


I will say again it's a great set up, particularly for someone like me who is neurodivergent, but there are serious flaws with the puck 

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by MikeMax1 This message was authored by: MikeMax1

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Having the same issues. Frustrating as anything. Have stable and fast broadband speeds. Around 800 Mbps. Started around two months ago, roughly. Have had issues with freezing and that over the last two months, mainly in playback or when pausing and playing but, it seems to have stopped playing up. Tried the different settings and contacted customer service, the guy didn't take me on at all, just offered another puck. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: Freezing still happening

Really poor. I also have had two pucks. The issue's really are the puck and it needing something enhanced @MikeMax1 

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by Brandy1861 This message was authored by: Brandy1861

Re: Programs freeze

Just any program I try to stream. did all the usual checks all fine but it's an infrequent issue, sometimes it plays ok others it's every few seconds at its worst or every few minutes at best. I cant seem to nail the issue down myself so any advice is helpful


This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MikeMax1 wrote:

Having the same issues. Frustrating as anything. Have stable and fast broadband speeds. Around 800 Mbps. Started around two months ago, roughly. Have had issues with freezing and that over the last two months, mainly in playback or when pausing and playing but, it seems to have stopped playing up. Tried the different settings and contacted customer service, the guy didn't take me on at all, just offered another puck. 



which isp are you with and how are you connected to the puck 

43inch and 55 inch Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks on virgin media M350 hub 5x. 4 x sky mobile sims.
This message was authored by HavencroftKev This message was authored by: HavencroftKev

Re: Freezing still happening

I watch live TV all the time and no issues for me. 



This message was authored by HavencroftKev This message was authored by: HavencroftKev

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Ahh there's your problem, maybe watching less GB News isn't a bad thing anyway. 

This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@HavencroftKev wrote:

Ahh there's your problem, maybe watching less GB News isn't a bad thing anyway. 

GB News does tend to have regular intermittent audio issues across platforms.

That is their broadcast, not Sky Stream.

Would not be a good channel to report any audio issues, as it's a known problem across platforms, on their part.

Sky Community Superuser. What is a Superuser? Click here to find out
Sky Stream with two pucks (Former Sky Q and Sky+ customer), Sky Ultrafast + using Sky SR203 hub. Sky Protect kit tester.
My good journey to Sky Stream from Sky Q. Click here to read
This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: Freezing still happening

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@HavencroftKev wrote:

I watch live TV all the time and no issues for me. 



I am now coming up to a year of moving from Sky Q to Sky Stream.

I do not have any of these freezing or restart issues.


On my Sky broadband Ultrafast + (500Mbps), I get the following average when running a speed test from a desktop via ethernet to a router;
Latency 4-5ms, 523-525 Mbps download, 72-74 Mbps upload.

I find that;
HD = Watching any live TV, On demand or cloud recordings - 6-7 Mbps per puck.
UHD = Watching any live TV, On demand or cloud recordings - 11-12Mbps per puck.

Do notice a couple of Mbps extra per puck when using the live sync option.


It all averages out from my frequent testing with the Sky Puck Netflix speed test between 290-330Mbps.
Of course that kind of speed is not needed, but may help in a busy bandwidth household.

For me, the Pucks have been very reliable on wifi.

So it seems with Sky recommended, is not far off the mark in the Sky help page link below;
Recommended minimum broadband speed of 25Mbps.

Or 30Mbps if you add an extra Sky Stream puck or to watch in UHD.

Sky Stream FAQs | Sky Help | Sky.com


Plus, always worth repeating that have found the following advice customers on here and others I have helped outside of the community have helped for any related intermittent issues, much as Sky also detail in the linked article below.

As with varying broadband connectivity, every household is different so it's worth always doing a local sense check.

As I mentioned above having good broadband, along with a reliable local household network is key.
Make sure you have a good 6-8 inches free on all sides of the puck.
Do not stack the puck on top of any other device.
Best not to sit it on a glass shelf. Wood is generally the best.
Make sure the puck is in the open, not tucked away in a cabinet or sat directly behind the TV.
Make sure you have no other devices that can cause interference closeby, like cordless phones, radiators, baby monitors, microwaves and the like. Perhaps even some sticks like a Roku.
Use the Sky supplied hdmi cable or a high speed equivalent one.
Plus, change both your pucks to following recommended settings set in Settings>
Turn wifi OFF under Network (f connected via ethernet).
Set Network standby mode to ON and Overnight power saving is OFF.

Also, it's worth at least once a week doing a Sky Puck settings restart;

Go to Settings>Systems Management>Resets & Updates
Select Restart device
Your Sky Stream puck will perform a reboot. It will take a few minutes to complete



Sky Community Superuser. What is a Superuser? Click here to find out
Sky Stream with two pucks (Former Sky Q and Sky+ customer), Sky Ultrafast + using Sky SR203 hub. Sky Protect kit tester.
My good journey to Sky Stream from Sky Q. Click here to read
This message was authored by DantheSwan This message was authored by: DantheSwan

Re: Freezing still happening

This service is NOT fit for purpose, if this were a car it would be recalled , ifit were a electrical appliance it would be recalled and people warned not to use 

If it's not the pixelation it's the audio dropouts

If it's not audio dropouts it's the lip sync issues 

Yes resetting solves some issues for a while but they always return

The product simply isn't as advertised , I'm almost certain I could get a positive result if I sued for misleading selling

Sky you need to start again before one single person wins their case and then the floodgates open

Sky Stream is not fit for purpose! 

Yes it will cost you a small fortune to recall these terrible pieces of junk pucks and replace them with something capable of utilising the service but it will be cheaper in the long term 

This message was authored by MikeMax1 This message was authored by: MikeMax1

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Hi there, I am in Ireland btw. My ISP is Virgin media, but it is the SIRO network here. Siro.ie  Connected via wifi I guess.

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Freezing still happening

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@DantheSwan wrote:

This service is NOT fit for purpose, if this were a car it would be recalled , ifit were a electrical appliance it would be recalled and people warned not to use 


I believe Sky are amenable to you cancelling if you're having unresolved issues. Have you asked?


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