Discussion topic: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

This message was authored by gpb156 This message was authored by: gpb156

Dolby Atmos audio drop out

When streaming dolby atmos from Sky Stream e.g. Netflix/Apple TV audio can occasinally drop out for about 2 secs. Seems completely random, may happen once or twice in an hour.


Just wondering if anybody else has this problem with the sream puck or is it something to do with my set up.

Audio pass through set on puck, also bitstream pass trough on LG TV. Earc HDMI 2.1 connection to LGS75Q soundbar.


This a bit frustrating as Atmos audio sounds great.

Best Answers
This message was authored by KevNewMedia This message was authored by: KevNewMedia Answer

Re: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi Everyone


Thank you for your patience, and we are sorry that you continue to experience this problem.


We appreciate the examples provided so far.  We continue to investigate this problem and our support teams have asked for some further information. If you could provide these, that'd be very much appreciated.


  1. TV Make / Model in use
  2. If you are using a sound system/speakers, can you tell us the make and model of it?
  3. What was the programme being watched where the drop out occurred?
  4. Was the programme from live TV or On Demand?
  5. If Live TV, what channel?
  6. Please provide an exact timestamp of when the issue has happened. If it's happening all the time, can you please give us the specifics of at least two shows?
  7. Thinking about your environment, are there any surrounding devices which may be causing interference?

I've marked this as the answer, so that people can see it without having to read the entire thread. We continue to investigate and any further examples that can be provided, would be great.

Community Manager

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All Replies

This message was authored by Jones_The_Cat This message was authored by: Jones_The_Cat

Re: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

@gpb156 wrote:

When streaming dolby atmos from Sky Stream e.g. Netflix/Apple TV audio can occasinally drop out for about 2 secs. Seems completely random, may happen once or twice in an hour.


Just wondering if anybody else has this problem with the sream puck or is it something to do with my set up.

Audio pass through set on puck, also bitstream pass trough on LG TV. Earc HDMI 2.1 connection to LGS75Q soundbar.


This a bit frustrating as Atmos audio sounds great.

Are you using the same speed and spec of HDMI cable on both parts of the chain? ie puck > TV > soundbar?

Have you tried connecting the puck directly to the soundbar? 


This message was authored by PEJasp This message was authored by: PEJasp

Re: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

I have this same issue, did you fix it?

This message was authored by Alistair+Burns This message was authored by: Alistair+Burns

Re: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

I get this occasionally and just put it down to my impression the software is still effectively a beta.


Just now it became chronic watching the football on TNT Sports Ultimate. Unplugged and restarted and the problem has gone for now, missed a goal as well of course. Might be a buffering issue given that the restart cured it this time and previously.

This message was authored by purpleparrotuk This message was authored by: purpleparrotuk

Re: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

I get this too especially if watching uhd hdr with Atmos. 

This message was authored by Jones_The_Cat This message was authored by: Jones_The_Cat

Re: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

The pucks are under powered and don't have enough RAM to cope with high bit-rate audio. 

This message was authored by PEJasp This message was authored by: PEJasp

Re: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

I bought two new 2.1 hdmi cables, they arrived today, watched 2 hrs so far no drop outs! 

Topic Author
This message was authored by gpb156 This message was authored by: gpb156

Re: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

@Jones_The_Cat Using 2 high speed HDMI cables puck to TV, TV Earc to soundbar. Not same manufactuer so maybe that could be issue. @PEJasp Are cables same manufacturer? as you had no problem.

Dissapointing that this may be a RAM issue as we pay extra for dolby atmos via puck.

This message was authored by PEJasp This message was authored by: PEJasp

Re: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

they are exactly the same I bought two of these in the same order:





This message was authored by PEJasp This message was authored by: PEJasp

Re: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

For reference, I had this issue only with Atmos content was super annoying for quite a while, but everything else worked well. I have it set as passthrough and the decoding is done in a sonos arc.

Topic Author
This message was authored by gpb156 This message was authored by: gpb156

Re: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

Good to hear. I am also using passthrough so that LG soundbar handles the decoding. Maybe I'll just get another matching cable!

I'll post if this is succesful.

Topic Author
This message was authored by gpb156 This message was authored by: gpb156

Re: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

So having had identical cables for the last couple of weeks I have had just a couple of drop outs on Dolby Atmos material. Deinitely an improvement, seems to be the best solution at the moment.

This message was authored by PEJasp This message was authored by: PEJasp

Re: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

Good to hear it's improved.


i seemed to have a long period of no drop outs but now i get a very infrequent one like once an evening or every other evening.


not perfect but much improved.


lets hope sky fix it completely 

This message was authored by Dac20vt This message was authored by: Dac20vt

Re: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

I have the exact issue. My setup is a Bose Soundbar 600 with Bass Module. Had a conversation with Sky about the issue and they sent me a replacement puck which is no better.


I have HDMI 2.1 cables and the eARC channel on my TV is also HDMI 2.1.


I've tried Passthrough on the Soundbar > Passthrough on the TV > Soundbar

Auto on the puck > Passthrough on the TV > Soundbar

Auto on the puck > Auto on the TV > Soundbar


I find that I have less dropouts when letting the puck do the audio decoding but frequently have lip syncing issues.


Passthrough seems best but has drop outs frequently. Football is like a lottery as to what sound quality i'm gonna get.

Topic Author
This message was authored by gpb156 This message was authored by: gpb156

Re: Dolby Atmos audio drop out

Interesting to hear same issues with replacement puck. Maybe this is just a hardware issue with the puck that can't handle stream rate of Dolby atmos. I also have audio pass through to the soundbar, as you mention if puck does the decoding you wil have sync issues. The only other change I made was a wired ethernet connection hoping for a faster and more reliable stream, however still the occasional drop out. But these have reduced significantly after changes as discussed.


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