Discussion topic: not received my movie

This message was authored by finney This message was authored by: finney

not received my movie

ive just bought gran turismo and it wont play it says

your selection is unavailable at the moment please try again 

code 0805 

been like it 15 min now 

took money strait away why havnt i got my movie strait away 

Best Answers
This message was authored by SlinkyTinky This message was authored by: SlinkyTinky Answer

Re: not received my movie

@finney @bennykeith @mike+simmonds 


Spoken to sky. They have a "specialist" team working on the error. Which seems to be just this title. No time frame on when it will be fixed! Just told to keep trying and should work eventually. 

so non the wiser really, hopefully be soon! 

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