Discussion topic: There was an unexpected error

This message was authored by ali3nRIK This message was authored by: ali3nRIK

There was an unexpected error

I'm posting this in the hope it helps someone.


When it requests to input your surname it kept putting there was an unexpected error.


Having tried for ages I have done the following:

Changed password to just letters and numbers (not sure if that's required)


Installed 'sky go' on my phone and signed in that way. It asks if you are a Mr or Mrs first then you input your last name and voila. Everything starts to work and I managed to sign into the store so I could receive my free movie. 


Hope this helps someone. 

Best Answers
This message was authored by LukeWoody85 This message was authored by: LukeWoody85 Answer

Re: There was an unexpected error

Yes I also had this problem.

I fixed it by going to sky.com and logging in. Then under details filling in the title and surname. Sorted 👍🏻

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This message was authored by LukeWoody85 This message was authored by: LukeWoody85 Answer

Re: There was an unexpected error

Yes I also had this problem.

I fixed it by going to sky.com and logging in. Then under details filling in the title and surname. Sorted 👍🏻

This message was authored by Drumm0nd This message was authored by: Drumm0nd

Re: There was an unexpected error

This worked for me thanks

This message was authored by Lil5 This message was authored by: Lil5

Re: There was an unexpected error

Hi, thank you for the advice! I had the same problem, all resolved by downloading and logging into the sky go app, thanks again!


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