Discussion topic: Subtitles onSky Store

This message was authored by mike+simmonds This message was authored by: mike+simmonds

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

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Morning @83ninikins 


There is a thread which lists all the buy and keep movies with subtitles (just in case you hadn't come across it)







Sky customer since 1989.
Sky Q 2TB main box
LG CX6LA from 2020

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This message was authored by SimonH1975 This message was authored by: SimonH1975

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

I'm sorry to everyone who has had to rely on subtitles for so many years and had no help from Sky  regarding sky store purchases!

I have recently had to start watching with subtitles and when I discovered that purchases didn't have them I thought that this was a new problem.

I can't believe that people were questioning this so long ago and it still isn't resolved!

I'm wondering where the money is going from my £150 pm subscription when £7 per month to Netflix provides access to hundreds of titles and accessible to people with numerous difficulties that SKY aren't catering for. Apparently the sky is the limit!


This message was authored by Lum75 This message was authored by: Lum75

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

187th time that link has been shared and while it is useful (although nothing anyone could have googled) it still doesn't change the fact that it's an absolute disgrace that a company taking more than £100 per month can't get themselves sorted to provide subtitles on films. It's the 21st century **bleep**, every single other platform and streaming service manage to do it and for much, much lower subscription fees. What makes things worse is chats such as this where sky themselves don't even feel the need to address the problem and rely on subscribers to be their apologists! Disgraceful company

This message was authored by Teep This message was authored by: Teep

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

I see this was asked a few years ago but I came here to ask the same question, so it doesn’t seem to have been resolved. None of the titles I've purchased on Sky store have subtitles. 

This message was authored by Wendy+golronan This message was authored by: Wendy+golronan

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

It's disappointing that Sky will absolutely not acknowledge this as their responsibility!

This message was authored by Bailey2970 This message was authored by: Bailey2970

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

  • Very disappointed with having no subtitles on sky store as I've been offered a film for free. Download and ready to watch, no subtitles.. what a disappointed 😞 
This message was authored by Baggers3 This message was authored by: Baggers3

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

And (almost 5 years later), still NO SUBTITLES- not worth renting or buying movies from!

This message was authored by DrewAndRobin This message was authored by: DrewAndRobin

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

It's so bad 

This message was authored by Teep This message was authored by: Teep

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Rumblings are that they'll be bought out or folding within the next year or so, which would explain why they have zero interest in making it actually work for customers


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