Discussion topic: Sky store rental not playing

This message was authored by GClooney This message was authored by: GClooney

Sky store rental not playing

We've just rented a film for the kids. We started downloading and wasn't able to start watching the film before the download completed (which we've done before). Waited for the whole film to download (apparently all 200% of it!) and still can't watch it - the download arrow remains in the centre of the film image and doesn't give the option to start watching it. How do we sort this out please so we can watch the film?

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This message was authored by mike+simmonds This message was authored by: mike+simmonds Answer

Re: Sky store rental not playing

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @GClooney 


I read another thread yesterday which also reported a 200% faulty download 


In that example - the solution was to delete it, then go to your deleted items and delete it again from there 


then re download it


hopefully that will work for you also 

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Sky Q 2TB main box
LG CX6LA from 2020

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