Discussion topic: Purchase movies and no subtiles restricted to hearing Disabilities

This message was authored by dixydetorit This message was authored by: dixydetorit

Purchase movies and no subtiles restricted to hearing Disabilities


I find it it excluding people hard of hearing community to purchase any films especially  on the High price of new releases. I've noticed this on some of the purchase I have done that some of the spoken lines are so quite or mumbled or drowned by the background/music that  it's impossible to understand what been said. I have just watched Elvis and was finding it hard to hear to hear some conversation. As the actor was concentrating on holding his lips that lip reading was near on impossible.

So my niggle is for the fact that purchasing (even renting) Movies at full price with extras etc that the option to have subtitles avaliable should be within that price. In reality it would take near on 2 years or so before I would get that option when avaliable on cinema or even longer on just TV. 

I will say because of this I am reluctant to purchase from sky store as this simple option is not avaliable  and does restrict people with hearing disabilities.

Please get this sorted please on behalf  of the non hearing community!