Discussion topic: Missing skystore purchase

This message was authored by MichaelMess This message was authored by: MichaelMess

Missing skystore purchase

Hi All.


Ive previously made some purchases from the sky store that appear to have dissapeared. The two that come to mind are 8mile and The Riot Club. 

Both were downloaded when purchased and have been available in the usual place but seem to have dissapeared from my SkyQ box. 

They are both available online when I log into my account but when I try to send them to my box nothing happens except for a message to confirm the request has been sent.


I understand this sometimes it to do with licenses etc but The Riot Club atleast is still purchasable on sky store.


cant seem to find any number to contact sky store direct and the help centre for sky was not helpful.


kind regards 

Best Answers
This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: Missing skystore purchase

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


I would get in touch with Sky Store support regarding this, they have a live chat you can use that is available from 11am-7.30pm Monday to Saturday and can be found here:



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