Discussion topic: Do you get dvd in post on buy and keep

This message was authored by Scott531 This message was authored by: Scott531

Do you get dvd in post on buy and keep

Silly question looking on sky store never done it before you get an option for buy @& keep and it says hd digital and then £19.99 do we get the dvd copy with it aswell or is it just on the sky box? 

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This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99 Answer

Re: Do you get dvd in post on buy and keep

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Scott531 wrote:

Silly question looking on sky store never done it before you get an option for buy @& keep and it says hd digital and then £19.99 do we get the dvd copy with it aswell or is it just on the sky box? 

hi @Scott531 


No,  the HD Digital version is just a digital version which can be accessed vai the box or online (online versions can be still accessed if you stop subscribing) 


For some titles you can get a DVD or Blu-ray but these show a +DVD or +(blu-ray Symbol) and usually cost a few £ more

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