Discussion topic: some sky channels - the picture is pixelating at different times of the day.

This message was authored by GT48 This message was authored by: GT48

some sky channels - the picture is pixelating at different times of the day.

I have sky Q - I live in a block of flats and the sky signal is from a communnal box or dish. Some of the channels are affected by pixelation which varies in its severity at different times of the day - also the sound quality on those channels varies - the majority of channels are fine. Can anyone suggest a solution please. 


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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: some sky channels - the picture is pixelating at different times of the day.

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@GT48 wrote:

I have sky Q - I live in a block of flats and the sky signal is from a communnal box or dish. Some of the channels are affected by pixelation which varies in its severity at different times of the day - also the sound quality on those channels varies - the majority of channels are fine. Can anyone suggest a solution please. 

Hi @GT48 

Check with you neighbours to see if they have the same issues.

If they do then you need to contact your property manager to investigate the problem 


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