Discussion topic: Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting for long periods of time

This message was authored by Mariec1 This message was authored by: Mariec1

Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting for long periods of time

My Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting for long periods of time this evening. So we're all on our mobile data ? Also when my box is on with power working I have no lights ? I have a new skyQ box because I rejoined last week I never had an issue with sky before but for days our Wi-Fi has been terrible it's frustrating . You tube shows lights mine doesn't show at all unless you look closely into where the lights are ? I'm wondering do I have a faulty box . I've checked my line it says it's all fine but we don't have internet help please  ? I have disconnected it and waited to start back up and all leads are in correctly. I only know if internet is on because of my tv as my lights are not showing at all .


All Replies

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting for long periods of time

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Sorry that post is a bit confusing. Do you mean you have no internet at all for long periods or just that the Q box disconnects for long periods?


Are the lights you mentioned supposed to be on the router?

Topic Author
This message was authored by Mariec1 This message was authored by: Mariec1

Re: Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting for long periods of time

Good morning .

The skyq box should have lights but mine isn't working . The dots are there to show power and internet ect but the lights don't show up .
we also go hours each day with no internet at all .

when the internet is on the box still shows no lights ? 
thank you 🙂 

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting for long periods of time

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



The Sky Q bix doesn't have an internet light. Only power (red/orangr/green) in the middle of the circular power button on the right and the big blue annoying rotating light in the middle when playing back a recording.


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