Discussion topic: Why is it that i can’t watch anything on my skyq box cause of the bad weather it happens all time

This message was authored by Deborah1995 This message was authored by: Deborah1995

Why is it that i can’t watch anything on my skyq box cause of the bad weather it happens all time

Thinking of leaving sky cause I'm paying for something that I can't watch cause of the bad weather it's ready annoying me now


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This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Why is it that i can’t watch anything on my skyq box cause of the bad weather it happens all tim

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


So what's happening when the weathers bad? Any error messages displayed?

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This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Why is it that i can’t watch anything on my skyq box cause of the bad weather it happens all tim

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


As my signature at the bottom of my post states I do not reply to pm's. You need to explain on this thread what you are seeing especially are there any error messages such as no satellite signal? 

▪️I AM NOT A SKY EMPLOYEE (undercover or otherwise) ▪️
Sky customer since 2001
with: Sky Q | Sky Superfast Broadband | Sky Talk | Sky Mobile
NOTE: I only provide help on the forums and NOT via PM
This message was authored by Invisiblename This message was authored by: Invisiblename

Re: Why is it that i can’t watch anything on my skyq box cause of the bad weather it happens all tim

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Deborah1995 wrote:

Thinking of leaving sky cause I'm paying for something that I can't watch cause of the bad weather it's ready annoying me now

Your own dish or a shared communial dish?  Maybe it's the dish mount that is loose - if it's your own, you need an engineer to take a look at it, if it's shared your building management need to be contacted.

I am just another Sky customer!

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