Discussion topic: Weird one with "no satellite signal message"

This message was authored by MartinfromSurrey This message was authored by: MartinfromSurrey

Weird one with "no satellite signal message"

Ok for about 2 weeks Ive been having an intermitent pixelation then "no Sat sig" message on all channels in perfect wheather.  Had the enginner round who checked the cable  & changed the LNB.  It was fine for about 24 hours but now the blue no sat sig screen  has returned this time for exteneded periods.. On its last occurance Ii did a bit of investigation and this is the odd thing

 With both Satelitte cables connected blue no signal screen

Remove LNB1 cable, no signal..

Replace LHB1 cable but remove LNB2 ...picture instantly returns  replace LNB2 cable and picture goes again.


I know it sounds like the dish/cable but the cable has been checked for shorts and the LNB changed..  could it be the box?


Also If i just run with one LNB cable I assume my recording options are limited.



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This message was authored by MartinfromSurrey This message was authored by: MartinfromSurrey Answer

Re: Weird one with "no satellite signal message"

New cable fitted  all fixed ðŸ˜€


Looks like a combination of rodent damage and 15 years of weather damage.

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