Discussion topic: Tv screen displaying message "Hard Disk Error. Live TV only"

This message was authored by Farmer4 This message was authored by: Farmer4

Tv screen displaying message "Hard Disk Error. Live TV only"

I can only watch live TV, for every other option which I usually watch including recordings there is a message "sorry service not available". "There is a problem with your Hard Disk Drive . To continue with live TV channels only press -]"

Please can anyone help. I thought that perhaps I need a new Sky box  but when I rang Sky they merely directed me to this forum via an automated message.


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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Tv screen displaying message "Hard Disk Error. Live TV only"

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Farmer4 wrote:

I can only watch live TV, for every other option which I usually watch including recordings there is a message "sorry service not available". "There is a problem with your Hard Disk Drive . To continue with live TV channels only press -]"

Please can anyone help. I thought that perhaps I need a new Sky box  but when I rang Sky they merely directed me to this forum via an automated message.

Hi @Farmer4 

Hard disk errors are normally terminal and you will lose all your recordings.   Any buy and keep from Sky Store can be downloaded to a replacement Q box.

If you need to contact them you need to persevere by phone.
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Topic Author
This message was authored by Farmer4 This message was authored by: Farmer4

Re: Tv screen displaying message "Hard Disk Error. Live TV only"

I have managed to get it working again but lost all my recordings in the process. I found a link somewhere on this forum for Hard Disk Error and it explained how to reset the hard disk by selecting  "settings" and then "reset" on the menu that comes up on the TV screen.  It only took a couple of minutes, shame I lost recordings but delighted all working again (for now!) Really thought I would have needed a new Sky box. 

This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: Tv screen displaying message "Hard Disk Error. Live TV only"

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Farmer4 wrote:

Really thought I would have needed a new Sky box. 

You still might as the HD may be on its way out.  But Sky replace the unit without charge.

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own even if you don't like the answers

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