Discussion topic: SkyQ Network queries

This message was authored by cpszx This message was authored by: cpszx

SkyQ Network queries

Trying to clarify a number of network queries if possible please:


I understand the SkyQ mesh uses a private 5G connection on channel 36 between main and minis.

If using Sky as the bb provider, then do the Q boxes also join the 5G wifi?

Do they repeat the 5G and the 2.4G Sky wifi or just 2.4G?


If set to not use Sky for bb, then they will still mesh on 5G chan 36?

Can they still repeat the wifi of the non Sky bb if they join the wifi?

If the bb wifi is using 5G chan36 itself, then that gives a clash?


ISP setting:

what are the actual differences between setting Sky as your BB provider, and setting it as other?

Can i set to Sky bb, with a non sky provider? Will the Q boxes then also include the 5G wifi like when setting as Sky?


If the Q box is hardwired ethernet to the non sky bb, but i still want the minis to repeat the non sky wifi, do they do that? 

Do i join the wifi on the Q box, and it is then transported via the 5G mesh with the minis?


The end result should be, non sky bb, skyq mesh for minis, with wifi repeat of non sky bb wifi.

Just building the pic of how they actually work rather than assuming they are like standard network devices.




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