Discussion topic: Sky q does not stay connected to wi fi

This message was authored by Crappysky This message was authored by: Crappysky

Sky q does not stay connected to wi fi

If I re-enter my password it joins without problem but will not stay connected so my mini boxes do not work


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This message was authored by Mr+Flibbles+86 This message was authored by: Mr+Flibbles+86

Re: Sky q does not stay connected to wi fi

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi there, I’ve escalated your post to our Community Messaging team who will invite you to a private chat shortly and help you with this. 

Just look out for the colourful bubble to start the conversation.

Here's more information on how Community Messaging works - https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Did-you-know/Escalating-a-post-to-a-Sky-expert/ba-p/3711147

This message was authored by Quoman7 This message was authored by: Quoman7

Re: Sky q does not stay connected to wi fi

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Crappysky wrote:

If I re-enter my password it joins without problem but will not stay connected so my mini boxes do not work

Hi @Crappysky Try rebooting your router by removing the power cable for 30 sec then reconnect to reboot, then reboot your main SKYQ box by turning the power off at the socket for 30 sec then turn back on to reboot, then do the same with any Mini boxes?

I used to have superpowers… But a therapist took them away.
Topic Author
This message was authored by Crappysky This message was authored by: Crappysky

Re: Sky q does not stay connected to wi fi

After weeks of trying everything to fix this issue it was finally fixed in a two hour telephone session with a great Sky engineer named Lee.  In a nutshell this is what we did;

1.  Reset the miniboxes by navigating to SETTINGS then pressing 001 on the remote to bring up an engineering menu where the reset option was chosen.  After re-setting you will need to reconnect the remote control by pointing at the box (away from the others) and pressing 1 and 3 simutaneously.

2.  Get the two miniboxes to establish a network by connecting them together with a ethernet cable and leaving them for 5 minutes.  When they were seperated they switched to their own 5Ghz mesh network.

3.  Get the Q Box to join this network by placing a minibox next to it and pressing the WPS buttons on both.  If it works, they flash orange for a while then go solid green for a few seconds.  Try to avoid resetting this box as that is disruptive to your recordings etc.

4.  Turn off the 5ghz network on the BT 'whole home' system using the router admin settings.

5.  Turn off the 2.4Ghz network on all sky boxes using the engineer menu mentioned in step 1 above.

6.  Moving a BT extender disk close to one of the sky minboxes and connecting it with an ethernet cable.  (I appreciate that not everybody will be able to do this).

So I have ended up with a fresh 5Ghz Sky mesh network connected to the internet by a cable and no other 5Ghz mesh network to interfere with it..  An elaborate fix that I would have thought should not be neccessary - but so far it seems reliable.

This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: Sky q does not stay connected to wi fi

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Crappysky wrote:

4.  Turn off the 5ghz network on the BT 'whole home' system using the router admin settings.


Is this still disabled?  (As you've nobbled the highest performing WiFi connection for your other devices)


It may not be important depending on the bandwidth available.  (Things only go as fast as the slowest part)


But I have WholeHome - with 5GHz and 2.4GHz enabled.  It's just WiFi on the Q boxes that are disabled - but the boxes have to be connected to a WH disc by ethernet otherwise they do drop off after 30 seconds or so.

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own even if you don't like the answers
Topic Author
This message was authored by Crappysky This message was authored by: Crappysky

Re: Sky q does not stay connected to wi fi

Hi Pand2020, Yes, I have left it disabled as I am not a 'power user' of the wi-fi other than TV, and have not noticed speed frustrations (yet).  But you are correct that it will certainly slow down the wi-fi so based on your experience I am going to try reinstating it.  Do you know if there is a 'good' channel to fix it to?

This message was authored by Lisa-P1987 This message was authored by: Lisa-P1987

Re: Sky q does not stay connected to wi fi

Posted by a Sky employee

We are still looking to help you Crappysky. If you need our support let us know and we can re-escalate to our chat team. Your invite has been closed now. Thanks


Lisa - Sky Tech Team Expert

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