Discussion topic: Sky q and mini via ethernet - optimal setup

This message was authored by Alex179 This message was authored by: Alex179

Sky q and mini via ethernet - optimal setup

Hi there,


I really need some advice on the most optimal setup here.


I have a sky q box and a sky mini box.


I have a 3rd party internet provider (virgin hub).


what is the optimal setup if wanting to connect both boxes via Ethernet? 

do I connect the sky q main via Ethernet to the router (selecting wired, non sky broadband ect on the menu) 

then do the same for the mini (Ethernet to router) . Same process on the menu before  finally disabling the 2.4 and 5ghz WiFi on 001 engineers menu from the sky main box?


im seeing threads where people are connecting Ethernet from mini directly to main sky box. This set up baffles me as both boxes only have one Ethernet port. In doing so, then surely the main box would have to communicate wirelessly to the router if it's only Ethernet port is  being used  to the sky mini box? 


please help! 



All Replies

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Sky q and mini via ethernet - optimal setup

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



Either works but the former is preferable.


The latter topology is probably down to the main Q box being 'more important' (and, practically speaking, requiring more bandwidth)

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
Topic Author
This message was authored by Alex179 This message was authored by: Alex179

Re: Sky q and mini via ethernet - optimal setup

Thank you for the swift response Timmy. 

so the optimal setup is both boxes connected via ethernet directly to hub? Then I can disable WiFi on the main sky box? 

id assume that in doing so the sky mini would no longer need to communicate with the main box anymore? 

would this setup Timmy provide the most stable connection for the mini? 

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Sky q and mini via ethernet - optimal setup

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

hi @Alex179 


I will be up front and say I am not a network expert so others may be able to give more specific answers and reasoning.


Generally we do advise that connecting Main & minis via ethernet is optimal but it really does depend on your home topography and how easy it is to route cables and how well the wifi works or not or is subject to interference.


One thing to consider is the addition of a (relatively cheap) unamanged network switch (or more if wanted for other equipement). which will add more ports to be able to be used & thus overcome concerns over just one port in each SKY Q box


It doesn't matter in network terms where a network switch is added, if needed.


Thus a network switch may be best near the main box or near the router (if the router doesn't have enough ports) or just somewhere in between. It really does depend on where is best for you to run cables discreetly etc.


My own network switch is near my main box where I also connect my TV and AV Amp 


Regarding switching off the wifi, I think turning off the wifi is more beneficial in the mini to sttop i trying to connect to the main box via wifi - although if everything is connected via ethernet you can switch off on all boxes.

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Sky q and mini via ethernet - optimal setup

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @Alex179 

When all boxes are connected by Ethernet you can then switch off all Q box WiFi.

Ethernet connection can be direct or through simple unmanaged switched

Start with main Q box and first carry out a Network reset with the Ethernet connected.
Network Reset found in Q box Home - Settings - Setup - Network.
Highlight Status and then select Reset on the right hand side. Select connect wired to non Sky router.

Do not carry out any WPS and just wait for the box to connect. It may take a couple of minutes. If it does not connect there is an issue with the Ethernet connection.
As soon as it connects immediately go into the Q box hidden menu and turn off WiFi.

To enter hidden menu press Home and navigate down to Settings but do not select Settings.
With Settings highlighted press 0 0 1 Select.
Go to Network to turn off both bands of WiFi. Confirm before exit.

Repeat the network reset on any minis in the Mini Home menu with the Ethernet connected. Again do not do any WPS and just wait for it to connect.
Once it is connected go immediately into the mini hidden menu (same procedure as above) and turn off both bands of WiFi. Confirm before exit.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Alex179 This message was authored by: Alex179

Re: Sky q and mini via ethernet - optimal setup

Thank you Nigea. 

In my case I do not currently have a network switch, but I do have enough ports on my router to connect both the main and mini directly to it via Ethernet. 

It will be a bit of a tedious task today to route them but one I'm willing to do if it means having a solid connnection to the boxes (the mini which in my case is furthest from the hub,  I'm more interested in having that bulletproof connection) 


then I'll disable WiFi entirely on both boxes right? I assume they'd both communicate with each other after that via the router?  

anything I can do to minimise interference around the house with WiFi I'm willing to do! 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Alex179 This message was authored by: Alex179

Re: Sky q and mini via ethernet - optimal setup



is this because the sky boxes like to revert back to WiFi if you don't disable and beat them to it?! 

when connected via Ethernet, should the network name read sky..... or your main hub network. 

I've read threads on here to not take any notice of the network name when connected via Ethernet as it may not be accurate 

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Sky q and mini via ethernet - optimal setup

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Alex179 wrote:


is this because the sky boxes like to revert back to WiFi if you don't disable and beat them to it?! 

Basically correct
when connected via Ethernet, should the network name read sky..... or your main hub network. 

I've read threads on here to not take any notice of the network name when connected via Ethernet as it may not be accurate 

Yes best to ignore it.  It will invariably list the Sky SSID for the Q mesh


Topic Author
This message was authored by Alex179 This message was authored by: Alex179

Re: Sky q and mini via ethernet - optimal setup

Well thank you all for the swift responses.


im going to get to work today and start routing the  Ethernet cables! 

one from the main q to the hub and one from the mini to the hub. Then I can finally turn the WiFi off on both boxes and be done with the sky mesh  trying to talk to each other!  

I just think as much as it's meant to be practical for sky to do this with their own internal mesh to communicate  via WiFi between boxes, in practice they struggle! With other WiFi devices in your home and sky being set on using ch36, the interference with the mini has been an issue for me! I'm hoping a direct Ethernet connection for both boxes to the router will eliminate all that now! 



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