Dear Diary,
And so it goes on...
Went onto the direct/chat message this morning as instructed as the issue had been escalated.
Was asked if it was an Irish account and was told at 11.29am...
"Ok no worries i'll pop this over to our Irish colleges and let them know about this escalation. Have a great day 👍"
It is now 4.40pm and have heard absolutely nothing since even though the chat was left open. I even asked 'Any news' and 'Will the Irish colleagues reply on this chat', just to give it a prod.
And of course it's now past 4.30pm so the Ireland message service stops then.
I know it says something about the chat will stay open for 48 hours, but come on guys. Do I really have to put up with this level of service?
Of course, the answers no, I should just cancel the account, but seems a shame as we always had Sky in England and we have had the engineer instal everything here in Ireland back in December. And it was originally all ordered on November 28th 2023, so it's really getting on for 2 months and no viewing card!!
So, in tomorrow's installment of "Viewing Card - The Never Ending Story', I'm guessing I'll be either:
- seeing if someone from Sky actually goes on the chat system tomorrow
- phoning up the call centre in India for the 4th time, ready to be lied to once again (see original post)
- contacting the complaints department
- canceling our sky account
Is there really not a human being working at or for Sky who can resolve this?
Tune in tomorrow folks for some more tedious adventures in your favourite show 'Viewing Card - The Never Ending Story'.
PS Apologies for the sarcasm.
PPS Not really.