05 May 2024 02:08 AM
Is anyone else getting frustrated because sports events like NBA or Football set to record have the ending cut off.
Sky blame the content provider. Why aren't all recordings padded by some extra time? Why can't we set this ourselves? For sports events that can have overtime like the football, they have a lot of chatting at the end but sometimes the manager up last is cut off. American events like NBA also regularly get the end cut off.
Come on Sky, sort your act out. It's not like it would cost you much to add a setting and record longer.
15 May 2024 02:27 PM
Posted by a Sky employeeHi all,
Just wanted to jump in here and give a bit more clarification for the NBA recordings.
TNT Sports is responsible for it's own broadcast and we have no say to when recordings start and finish as they dictate this with the length of the program submitted to us for the EPG (The TV Guide).
When it comes to sport that we do control, we try to ensure that TV guides are updated as soon as possible with an appropriate timescale for the event itself. That's not always going to be possible especially with live sport because this can have knock on effects to other schedules should they over run. We have to mindful of not just the recordings for events which overrun, but also recordings set for programming after the event which would also be affected by any EPG amendments.
For NBA moving forward, the previously suggested solution in the thread of making recordings before or after an event is the best way to ensure you do not miss any of the action 🙂
Thanks again for flagging this on Community!
05 May 2024 04:55 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreThe only clear cut work-around is recording the next programme as well. This is a frequent question on live sport such as F1.
05 May 2024 02:24 PM
I try to do that, doesn't work so well for series link. It's not always the same program next. It kind of defeats the point of series link as you have to check every single one.
09 May 2024 08:37 PM
Yes I keep raising this with both Sky and TNT directly. This is ridiculous as I get no resolution!! Seems a simple fix for a premium price we pay to watch NBA. As it is overnight we're always going to be watching recordings. Extremely frustrating if you watch an entire match and with 3 mins to go it cuts off the most important part of the game!!
09 May 2024 08:57 PM
The NBA season ends in a few weeks, so does the football. I'm going to cancel TNT if this is not fixed before the end of the NBA Playoffs.
Maybe the only thing that gets noticed is cancellations.
15 May 2024 01:37 PM
It is completely ridiculous. That's the last 5 games I have recorded that I can't watch until the end of the match because the recording stops. Hugely frustrating given the last few months are generally the most important
15 May 2024 02:27 PM
Posted by a Sky employeeHi all,
Just wanted to jump in here and give a bit more clarification for the NBA recordings.
TNT Sports is responsible for it's own broadcast and we have no say to when recordings start and finish as they dictate this with the length of the program submitted to us for the EPG (The TV Guide).
When it comes to sport that we do control, we try to ensure that TV guides are updated as soon as possible with an appropriate timescale for the event itself. That's not always going to be possible especially with live sport because this can have knock on effects to other schedules should they over run. We have to mindful of not just the recordings for events which overrun, but also recordings set for programming after the event which would also be affected by any EPG amendments.
For NBA moving forward, the previously suggested solution in the thread of making recordings before or after an event is the best way to ensure you do not miss any of the action 🙂
Thanks again for flagging this on Community!
15 May 2024 03:03 PM
Hi Daniel
Appreciate the response and it makes sense. However we're the paying customers spending a lot of money for a service that isn't working. It's more prominent where it's an overnight recording in this day and age with the technology that there is it seems a simple fix. It shouldn't be up to us; are there not any discussions that can happen between Sky and TNT please to progress this? I've had TNT for a year and since the start of the NBA season (October) I've not yet been able to watch a full game on record.
It seems this should be a concern for Sky as the product is not being delivered.
Cheers, Ryan
15 May 2024
10:08 PM
- last edited:
16 May 2024
10:59 AM
I have to say I'm unimpressed with the post from an actual Sky employee.
Please let me offer you some common sense.
I'm sure Sky get a cut for hosting and collecting the fee for TNT Sports. (Removed). With customers imminently threatening to cancel, perhaps you could pick up the phone, ring TNT Sports as you have a commercial relationship with them (they are Sky's supplier) and ask them to fix this.
As a customer of Sky and not TNT Sports, I don't have a commercial relationship with TNT Sports, Sky are my supplier, so I'm asking Sky.
According to a quick Google search the managing director over that way is a chap called Andrew Georgiou. I'm sure if Sky pointed out that a bunch of actual paying customers are going to leave he could get this fixed with a quick call to the right department.
It is not hard to pick up the phone and do some actual work to fix this (Removed)
Who pays your wages (Removed)? Who pays Mr Georgiou's wages? Paying Customers - us. Pretty soon your wages will be shrinking if you don't do some work, because a whole bunch of customers will leave and your pay rise will be smaller.
Simple maths, if you want our money, do some work for it!
Moderator note: Removed inappropriate language & non-factual statements
22 May 2024 10:34 PM
Pacers Vs Celtics, 3 point game, 27 seconds to go, cut off the end of the recording again.
23 May 2024 05:18 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreI take it you didn't follow the previous advice and set the following programme to record.
23 May 2024 09:51 AM
Recording the next programme does work, but is not easy to remember every single time, series linking also doesn't work as a different programme often follows.
recording the next programme is a temp workaround but for such a premium product and cost that Sky/TNT is, we should not have this issue.
23 May 2024 06:10 PM
I did and series linked it, but it's not always the same program every night.
The series link only works one program at a time, I work full time. I don't have time to go and check it every day.
There is a game every day. I'm looking at other options as Sky is not working for me.
24 May 2024 06:41 PM
Cut off the last 1 minute 15 seconds of Pacers at Celtics last night.
25 May 2024 06:22 AM - last edited: 25 May 2024 06:25 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreA pragmatic suggestion - you can set the recording of the following programme via the sky Go app even if you're at work / on the bus / train / toilet. It would probably take a similar amount of time as posting on here about each match you've missed the end of and be considerably less blood-pressure raising.
I agree an "extend recordings by 15 minutes" option on the Q itself would be better but have 0% confidence that would ever happen.
Does TNT not provide any kind of catchup service?!
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