Discussion topic: Sky a box and remote problem

This message was authored by Saints7man This message was authored by: Saints7man

Sky a box and remote problem

Tv will not turn off using remote. Have reset a box and remote several times. Changed batteries. No better .. after pressing turn off sequence I hear the click and tv comes back on. Any ideas? Do I need to replace remote.

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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella Answer

Re: Sky a box and remote problem

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Saints7man wrote:

Yes it is a Sony. Was told by Sky guy to hold on/off button release then hold dow for count of three, this now longer works.

Hi @Saints7man 

There is no need to press the Standby button twice..

Provided you have Smart standby mode in Settings - Preferences set to On then the Q box will switch off with the television.  So to put both television and Q box into standby it's only necessary to switch off the television with a long press on a correctly paired Q remote control.

You need to experiment with the duration of your long press. I find here with my Sony that about 3 seconds works without being long enough to restart the Television.

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