Discussion topic: Sky Q wont connect to Virgin Broadband wirelessly

This message was authored by DavidMcIRL This message was authored by: DavidMcIRL

Sky Q wont connect to Virgin Broadband wirelessly

Hi all, 

This may have been answered a thousand times, but I'm not too techicial and am slightly lost on some of the answers that appear similar. 

My Sky Q box just wont connect to my Virgin Media WiFi.  

Absolutely nothing wrong with my WiFi. Works for PS5, Alexa, tablet etc. It's fine.  

I key in the Network details on Sky Q. Seems to connect for a second then just disconnects and tell me I dont have internet connection.  

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as this has been going on for a year and I'm actually fed up with Sky Q. 




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Topic Author
This message was authored by DavidMcIRL This message was authored by: DavidMcIRL

Re: Sky Q wont connect to Virgin Broadband wirelessly

Should have mentioned....I'm in Ireland

This message was authored by Exvirginuser This message was authored by: Exvirginuser

Re: Sky Q wont connect to Virgin Broadband wirelessly

Very odd I personally have sky stream and it was more than happy to connect to my virgin brodband when I had it. Although when we where transitioning from virgin to bt and sky our virgin 360 tv box point blank refused to connect wirelessly to my bt hub but would accept internet via Ethernet from the same hub. I'd attempt to connect via Ethernet cable if that works maybe inveset in a powerline adapter or else contact virgin/sky 

3 sky streaming pucks 2 via Ethernet 1 via Wi-Fi
BT 500 + whole home disc
This message was authored by twilight+princess This message was authored by: twilight+princess

Re: Sky Q wont connect to Virgin Broadband wirelessly

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Are you using the wps button on the hub & on the Sky Q box to connect or manually entering the SSID & password?

I don’t work for Sky.
If I have helped then please leave a like.
Topic Author
This message was authored by DavidMcIRL This message was authored by: DavidMcIRL

Re: Sky Q wont connect to Virgin Broadband wirelessly

Hi Twilight+Princess, 

I choose add broadband provider, Virgin, find the relevant broadband name, enter the password. Occasionally it says connected. For a couple of seconds. Then i get the 'x' saying Sky Q not connected to broadband

This message was authored by twilight+princess This message was authored by: twilight+princess

Re: Sky Q wont connect to Virgin Broadband wirelessly

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

I would try wps via the buttons. I have a Hub 3 with Virginmedia & setup was easy that way.

I don’t work for Sky.
If I have helped then please leave a like.
This message was authored by CM169 This message was authored by: CM169

Re: Sky Q wont connect to Virgin Broadband wirelessly

I have this exact same problem and it's driving us mad!! We have 4 rooms with sky and none work for more than a minute or two at a time. It's not the broadband as that works on everything else. Couldn't get sky broadband in the house so had to go with another carrier. 

This message was authored by CM169 This message was authored by: CM169

Re: Sky Q wont connect to Virgin Broadband wirelessly

Did you manage to resolve this please? 

This message was authored by RMCD-2024 This message was authored by: RMCD-2024

Re: Sky Q wont connect to Virgin Broadband wirelessly

Folks if you want to resolve this, go to your broadbandhub management, the ip address is on your router, so is the password. Once logged in to the router on your browser go to


1. advanced settings

2. Wireless

3. Guest Network 

4. Enable guest Network


this will give you a sole network to use for your sky box, just reset the network and use this new one. It worked for us after months of this issue and its now stable on our main box. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by DavidMcIRL This message was authored by: DavidMcIRL

Re: Sky Q wont connect to Virgin Broadband wirelessly

Thanks RMCD.

I will try this. 

Occasionally it will connect by just adding the network and password but it doesnt stay comnected for more than a day or so.

The WPS option previously mentioned doesnt work for me. 


I've noticed that once connected it is so painfully slow to download anything anyway.  Worth nothing there is nothing wrong with my boradband, its very quick. 


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