23 Jan 2024 10:52 AM
I recently moved to full fibre broadband via a 3rd party (non Sky) ISP as Sky do not do full fibre where I live. I cancelled my Sky broadband and have since returned the Sky Hub. I'd previously had no issues with the Sky Q and the 2 mini boxes I have.
Initially I tried to connect all my Sky Q boxes via my Wi-Fi but that did not work - every time I tried to watch anything on any of the boxes it said you have no internet connection (or you are no longer connected to your Sky Q box when at one of the mini boxes). I seemed to resolve this issue by plugging the main Sky Q box into my network via ethernet (using homeplugs).
I'm still having issues with one of the mini boxes. It's relatively far away from my main Sky Q box and keeps disconnecting and when it does connect the audio keeps dropping out. The location of the TV/mini box precludes using a homeplug so it has to use Wi-Fi. It's getting very frustrating that Sky tie you in so much to their own broadband without which Sky Q doesn't seem to work very well at all.
23 Jan 2024 11:12 AM
Sky Q does work well with other ISPs. Mine does with BT.
The simplest thing is to change your routers 5 GHz channel away from channel 36 which Sky Q uses.
I have mine set to channel 48 permanently leaving 36 free for the Q boxes to use. Its working perfectly.
No promises, but it's an easy first step to try.
I hope it works.
23 Jan 2024 11:20 AM
Unfortunately my new wifi does not allow me to change channels. It's linksys velop and neither the app or logging onto the web gui provides me with channel options. 😞
23 Jan 2024 11:29 AM
I know nothing about your router, so this might not help. Copied from a Reddit post about Linksys.
"There should be a CA button on the bottom corner of the router web interface. Click it and it should enable advanced options."
23 Jan 2024 11:34 AM
Wow, good spot - I would not have even noticed the CA option as it's so small and tucked away. So I can now see the channel options and it's using channel 52 and above. It uses an automatic channel selection thing called DFS and this only works on channel 52 to 140.
23 Jan 2024 12:02 PM
OK. It shouldn't be interfering which is good.
Dont know if this will help. I'm taking a stab in the dark now to be honest. https://www.sky.com/help/articles/wifi-hotspots
Hopefully someone else has a better idea for you.
23 Jan 2024 12:12 PM
Yep seen that and tried it. I've been getting so much hassle from the missus about the box disconnecting I've just run a long ethernet cable into the mini box. It's not a permanent solution as it looks a mess but it now seems more stable (not 100% but a lot better).
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