Discussion topic: Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

This message was authored by N1k This message was authored by: N1k

Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

Weve had a Sky Q 2tb box since the service was launched, mounted in a big open space behind the TV. Been in this position for over a year with no concerns.


Never had any serious issues with the hardware, but a few weeks ago, we would come down in the morning to find the box making a loud fan noise, and permanent in standby with the orange light. The box isn't hot, not even warm, even by the vent.


Managed to follow the online help to force a software update, but the issue reoccurred nearly immediately. We ended up getting a replacement SkyQ box pretty quickly (impressive), assuming this one was on the way out. 


However, with the new box in place, the same issue reoccurred within days. It seems to be when the box goes into standby, during the day or night, the fan kicks in and can't be revived from standby.


Only fix is to pull the power, plug it back in and wait for it to run through the startup process. 


Any ideas? Clearly unable to actually call sky. Very odd that the issue has occurred on 2 separate boxes. 


All Replies

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@N1k wrote:

Weve had a Sky Q 2tb box since the service was launched, mounted in a big open space behind the TV. Been in this position for over a year with no concerns.

Never had any serious issues with the hardware, but a few weeks ago, we would come down in the morning to find the box making a loud fan noise, and permanent in standby with the orange light. The box isn't hot, not even warm, even by the vent.

Managed to follow the online help to force a software update, but the issue reoccurred nearly immediately. We ended up getting a replacement SkyQ box pretty quickly (impressive), assuming this one was on the way out. 

However, with the new box in place, the same issue reoccurred within days. It seems to be when the box goes into standby, during the day or night, the fan kicks in and can't be revived from standby.

Only fix is to pull the power, plug it back in and wait for it to run through the startup process. 

Any ideas? Clearly unable to actually call sky. Very odd that the issue has occurred on 2 separate boxes. 

Hi @N1k 

Check your standby settings on the Q box.



Try the different options to see if any are better.

(Eco, Active or None)

If using None the Q box still needs putting into standby with the remote when not in use (Amber led)


Topic Author
This message was authored by N1k This message was authored by: N1k

Re: Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

Appreciate the response, but if this was caused by one of the 3 standby settings (which have not changed in years), then there'd be millions of people having the same issue every day. None of the standby settings have the "never actually leave standby but sit with fans running full" option. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by N1k This message was authored by: N1k

Re: Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

By the way, was able to confirm that this occurs every time the Skyq box connects to the ethernet cable. Never been a problem before, but just recently started happening, and then again immediately on the replacement box. So no idea what is causing it. However, immediately occurs minutes after connecting it to the network. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by N1k This message was authored by: N1k

Re: Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

How do I get support for this issue? Doesn't seem to be a technical support phone number, and the troubleshooting process just results in me getting sent new sky boxes.. 

This message was authored by Work+LCD This message was authored by: Work+LCD

Re: Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

Ours does exactly the same. Original box ran fine for 4 years, then started doing this. We've had a new Q 2tb box for 3 months and does exactly the same. 

time to contact sky again.... it needs to be resolved.

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

I had this happen on a new box. Got it replaced


but recently read a thread that suggested it might be when the Q tries to run at 1Gb (which only the v3 box can do)

At one point I had an ethernet cable all the way through 3 rooms as a test, and that would have been a 1Gb port - I don't know if this was at the same time but it might have been. Right now I've got it connnected to a 100Mb only switch and have no issues so... coincidence?


so might well be worth trying to plug it into a cheap switch to test

This message was authored by Cookster2 This message was authored by: Cookster2

Re: Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

I have had the same problem 6 new 2TB Q boxes and 2 engineer visits ,4 sky calls and now an official complaint to Sky. 
all our boxes are connected by Ethernet because a big old house with wifi connection issues. Old box had worked fine for 6 years then the overnight stand by issues just started. 
incidentally changed our router and internet to fibre and a new GB switch so interested in the post over the 100mb switch . Will give that a try as this is driving me mad !!

This message was authored by SimeonH This message was authored by: SimeonH

Re: Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

Hear you but confusing why that would make a difference data is pulled not pushed so the q box would only use what it can

This message was authored by xenon81 This message was authored by: xenon81

Re: Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

@Chodley wrote:

I had this happen on a new box. Got it replaced


but recently read a thread that suggested it might be when the Q tries to run at 1Gb (which only the v3 box can do)

The V2 boxes also support 1Gb ethernet. Mine is connected at 1Gb and has been working since 2019.

This message was authored by SimeonH This message was authored by: SimeonH

Re: Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

I actually think the HDD is failing and it needs to be replaced.  Nothing to do with internet.  Just need to find time to battle with Customer services

This message was authored by Cookster2 This message was authored by: Cookster2

Re: Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

You can get a replacement on line very simple. Comes next day DPD . Just fill in the form. Pack up the old one and swap out when DPD guy comes.

This message was authored by Cookster2 This message was authored by: Cookster2

Re: Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

Totally agree ! Was grasping at straws as was so frustrated about the main 2tb  box falling over and losing connection! Sky can't seem to fix . I have swapped the switch to an old 100mb one. Bizarrely doing it less but not completely fixed. Still falls over occasionally.

This message was authored by SimeonH This message was authored by: SimeonH

Re: Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

I have just ordered a replacement, bit of a shame I lose recorded stuff, but the machine is failing more and more often.  Did a HDD reformat a few months ago and still dying!

This message was authored by Phoenix79 This message was authored by: Phoenix79

Re: Sky Q box won't turn on, fan noise

I'm having exactly the same issue, new box delivered today and stuck in standby by the evening. Box is well ventilated but is indeed connected via Ethernet.


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