Discussion topic: Sky Q box crashing & box fan spinning loudly - EE Broadband

This message was authored by Pete-max This message was authored by: Pete-max

Re: Sky Q box crashing & box fan spinning loudly - EE Broadband

Hi wadinga


I have checked it (with cable out) Status : connected. Network name EE- j8..... connected to broadband router ✔️ connected to Internet ✔️


Hope this helps 🤞

This message was authored by wadinga This message was authored by: wadinga

Re: Sky Q box crashing & box fan spinning loudly - EE Broadband

Hi TimmyBGood,


Just a shame the EE Smart Hub Plus doesn't play as nicely with the Sky Q as your BT SmartHub 2 apparently does. Our BT Business Hub was fine with Q box for two years before we switched to their domestic service. We got "sorry you're leaving us" letters from BT (Business) and BTW "send your hub back". Wish we'd hung on to it!


All the best



This message was authored by wadinga This message was authored by: wadinga

Re: Sky Q box crashing & box fan spinning loudly - EE Broadband

Hi Pete,


Yes kind of. Did you enter the Network name for wireless connection or did the Sky Q box just find it having had it for Ethernet? My network name is a generic Skybox 123 or similar because it has not fully interogated the hub. Other users have this as well. 


All the best



This message was authored by Thebarons This message was authored by: Thebarons

Re: Sky Q box crashing & box fan spinning loudly - EE Broadband

I've had this problem for nearly 2 months.


I've spoken to many Sky tech teams (in Bulgaria and UK), had an engineer visit and hours of my own time trying to resolve things. Each Sky techs advice has been different (and at times have created other issues!). I've had a replacement box (and lost all recordings!) and the problem continued but having found this thread I managed to work one thing out...I unplugged the Ethernet connection between my Sky Q box and the new EE router and went back to using just WiFi and the problem (fingers crossed) has gone away! 

There is a (known) problem between the EE router and Sky technology and until this is fixed between the companies and a software update corrects things then this is a fix for me.


I already have 3 x EE Smart Wifi boosters in use and I could try moving one closer to the router and Sky box to use as an Ethernet connector but as things are back to how they should be, I'm not tempting fate!


so... 2 months of hair-pulling, despair and annoyance plus the loss of all previous recordings has been resolved by this community for me. I hope this helps and that the Sky tech teams can use the information in their play-book so no-one else has to spend months of anguish (and the loss of recordings!)



This message was authored by Mena2 This message was authored by: Mena2

Re: Sky Q box crashing & box fan spinning loudly - EE Broadband

I had exactly the same problem the disconnected the Ethernet connection to Sky q box. Spoke to EE earlier today and they were unaware of this issue ad I mentioned about this forum to see the ongoing complaints. This is now been reported to the team to try and resolve this issue as they will be loosing a lot of customers, the guy I spoke to thinks it maybe an Ethernet cable problem as I never had issues over past 20 years when I was with BT. He looks at this thread and it s definitely between Sky q box and EE router. Let's wait and see if anything does get resolved.  No point keep sending out engineers and replacing the boxes. The other issue is when streaming Netflix it disconnects which never happened before with bt router, so annoying. Please sky and EE get this sorted ASAP. 

This message was authored by wadinga This message was authored by: wadinga

Re: Sky Q box crashing & box fan spinning loudly - EE Broadband

Hello Mena 2 and others


Thank you for your information. I have now switched over Sky Q to Wi Fi and disconnected Ethernet. The Q box detected the EE SuperHub Plus WiFi OK and after entering password it works fine. We shall see if the Q box remains upright! Downloads seem fine. 


Don't believe "it's the cable". Standard problem-dodging **bleep** from EE Tech. My laptop couldn't even detect the hub at the other end of a 10m Cat5e cable, but would when connected by a 1m lead. When I put a powered TP link splitter box  on the short lead from the hub, connected the SAME 10m cable and the laptop at the far end of it, it connected immediately. The Ethernet output from the EE SHP seems to be weak as well as IMHO randomly sending something which locks up the Sky Q box.


As you say, users and Sky have wasted a lot of money and effort  believing the problem is in the Q box, but it is clear it is the EE SHP which is at fault. |When will they sort it out? 


All the best





This message was authored by Mena2 This message was authored by: Mena2

Re: Sky Q box crashing & box fan spinning loudly - EE Broadband

Wow,  you have may as well get a job there as no one can resolve it. I too blame the EE router, I had problems with it from day 1 but seems to be working ok with the other devices. I even thought my LG tv was the issue. But thank you, you might have helped a lot of people out there. EE should get in touch with you and then could advice them of how to resolve the technical issues. 👍.
I even spoke to them EE today,  they go they updating the router every so often maybe a software issue........??🤨


This message was authored by wadinga This message was authored by: wadinga

Re: Sky Q box crashing & box fan spinning loudly - EE Broadband

Hi Mena2 and all,


I think it would be best if Sky technicians spoke to EE about the Hub's manifest problems. I am indebted to other posters who suggested using Q box's WiFi to get around EE Hub's faulty Ethernet output. Q box has not crashed in 5 days  and installing tp-link powered ports on short lead at Hub and at fork at 10m means both PCs now have reliable Ethernet., furthest at 30m+.


Suggestion to use EE extender and Ethernet lead from that into Q box might be overkill for most (mine are only 8m apart) but gets advantage of EE WiFi 6 range and reliability if that is needed. 


I urge all to get their complaints in to EE to get them to improve hardware/software 


All the best



This message was authored by Eve627 This message was authored by: Eve627

Re: Sky Q whirring or making noises over night - EE Broadband

Hi @Daniel-F and all,


Like all others we are at the end of our tether too with SKY and EE tried all things in this thread except having an engineer as replacing boxes we dont believe would resolve (just cause upset to the home) as we will loose recordings etc...


We have a variation where we are constantly getting network disconnection/reconection and essentially cannot streams Apps


We can sit on the network status screen and literally watch 'Connection to broadband router' and Connection ro internet' continuously alternating from a tick to cross.


We have tried changing WIFI channels and even setting compatibility network which you can do in the EE Smart Hub Pro which is supposed to be better option for older/incompatible tech.  But still Sky equipment has constant disconnections and infact then refuses to connect back without re entering all network credentials.   We have Tried Ethernet from the Smart Pro WIFI extenders and still all the same.  All our SKY kit is the only problematic tech we have in the house.   In fact our issues all start the moment we start connecting  the the SKY Q Mini boxes.   We have none of these network issues if we just work with the Main SKY Q Receiver box. 


I wish there was a way of pulling logs from the sky equipment so we can see what is happening here.  EE Router logs are not much use.


In reply to your questions our answers are in bold.  


  1. Can you let me know the EE router model you have? EE Smart WIFI Pro SH40J FTTP 
  2. Is this connected via ethernet or WiFi? Router is WIRED to Openreach ONT - WIFI to the sky equipment  
  3. Are you using any other network boosting features, such as a mesh? EE Smart WIFI Pro Extender SW40J
  4. What is your Sky Q box hardware & Software version? - This can be found by pressing Home > going into settings > going to system info.  Please only provide the hardware version and software version exactly how it's shown on screen. Hardware 32D00B Software Q270.000.10.09L (5u193ht)
  5. At what time does the Sky Q box start acting up with the noise? ideally we want some exact time stamps on this We have not noticed the fans whirring yet our issues is the continuous network disconnection/reconnection.  We cant put a time on it as its happening all the time
  6. When the fans are wirring, can you still navigate the Sky Q menus or is it inoperable? Menus work OK- we have not noticed the fans whirring yet
  7. Is there a specific screen you are seeing on your Sky TV everytime this occurs? No


This message was authored by Thebarons This message was authored by: Thebarons

Re: Sky Q whirring or making noises over night - EE Broadband

Initially I had a similar problem and it had something to do with the firmware/software not being the same on both the main Sky Q box and the Sky mini.


There was also an issue with having both WiFi channels (2.5 & 5Ghz). In the end we removed the Ethernet to the main sky box and turned off one of the WiFi channels.


Not had further problems since.


Hope this helps 

This message was authored by clinka1714 This message was authored by: clinka1714

Re: Sky Q whirring or making noises over night - EE Broadband

Wow, so my sky q box constantly freezing and needs complete power off and re-boot.  I rang Sky, directed to Sky community.  Search brought this up as the answer.  Once again, no information and I am now have to call again.  I am out of contract, so who knows, perhas look at another provider.


This message was authored by Mena2 This message was authored by: Mena2

Re: Sky Q box crashing & box fan spinning loudly - EE Broadband

I had same issue but since taking the Ethernet cable out of the Sky Q box its been working fine. Hope this helps!

This message was authored by wadinga This message was authored by: wadinga

Re: Sky Q box crashing & box fan spinning loudly - EE Broadband

Hi All,


My SKY Q box continues to work just fine provided I use WiFi to connect to the EE SuperHubPlus. Connection via Ethernet will not work and will keep crashing the Q box at random times (both while on standby or in use) if it is used. As mentioned I have to have a powered Ethernet splitter box on a short lead from the hub port in order to use Ethernet with PCs around the house. 


All the best




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