Discussion topic: Sky Q - audio on Paramount+

This message was authored by A+Daulby This message was authored by: A+Daulby

Sky Q - audio on Paramount+

Just watched Star Trek: Strange New Worlds on Paramount+ using my Sky Q box and noticed the the audio  (using an A/V amplifier) is just PCM Stereo. I routinely get Dolby Digital (surround sound) on many Sky channels and Amazon Prime. For me, surround sound is an important part of enjoying a programme or film. I Emailed Paramount+ support who sent a list of devices that support surround sound. Here's the list:


Apple TV HD and 4k
Roku devices and Roku TV
Android TV
Fire TV


So, Sky Q is absent from the list. My question is why?  Why doesn't Sky Q offer Dolby Digital on Paramount + ? 



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This message was authored by SlenderRobert This message was authored by: SlenderRobert Answer

Re: Sky Q - audio on Paramount+

It's a common thing in the UK with a lot of content from the USA. 

There are many programmes which Sky have exclusivity on but which are only shown in HD with a maximum of 5.1 audio in the UK. The same content is often available in the USA in 4K with Dolby Vision & Atmos. 

I have found in recent years that Sky's marketing of "everything in one place, easy" needs to be taken with a very large pinch of salt. You may get the quantity of content with Sky, but you don't always get the best quality. 

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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Sky Q - audio on Paramount+

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @A+Daulby 

Possibly a Question for Paramount as they are supplying the content

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Sky Q - audio on Paramount+

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@A+Daulby wrote:

Just watched Star Trek: Strange New Worlds on Paramount+ using my Sky Q box and noticed the the audio  (using an A/V amplifier) is just PCM Stereo. I routinely get Dolby Digital (surround sound) on many Sky channels and Amazon Prime. For me, surround sound is an important part of enjoying a programme or film. I Emailed Paramount+ support who sent a list of devices that support surround sound. Here's the list:


Apple TV HD and 4k
Roku devices and Roku TV
Android TV
Fire TV


So, Sky Q is absent from the list. My question is why?  Why doesn't Sky Q offer Dolby Digital on Paramount + ? 



hi @A+Daulby 


The app is supplied by Paramount + to SKY - hopefully it will eventually get 5.1 sound. 


I use my Firestick (as I do for any apps I can't get on my TV) and even the Firestick app did not have 5.1. when P+ launched - it took several months for it to get 5.1 sound despite the Firestick platform, as far as I know, being technically the same as the U.S. where P+ already had DD+ & atmos and 4K support.


I guess we will never know why it is taking so long to get 5.1. on the SKY Q  version of the app - especially as others apps on SKY Q do support DD+ and Atmos (although Atmos took a while IIRC for Disney+) - it could be delays (or just lack of will power) at either end


BTW Rather bizarrely SNW S2 is  2.0   for all episodes from 2 onwards even on a firestick - even though S2 episode 1 is 5.1 & S1 is fully 5.1 - The response from P+ when I queried this was rather disappointing & did not explain why the later episodes are 2.0 only 


BTW I also think Surround Sound is an important part of the experience 

Topic Author
This message was authored by A+Daulby This message was authored by: A+Daulby

Re: Sky Q - audio on Paramount+

You have a point, maybe Paramount are only offering Sky a "vanilla" version of their service. But it seems an annoying oddity, as so much content is in surround sound. 

This message was authored by SlenderRobert This message was authored by: SlenderRobert Answer

Re: Sky Q - audio on Paramount+

It's a common thing in the UK with a lot of content from the USA. 

There are many programmes which Sky have exclusivity on but which are only shown in HD with a maximum of 5.1 audio in the UK. The same content is often available in the USA in 4K with Dolby Vision & Atmos. 

I have found in recent years that Sky's marketing of "everything in one place, easy" needs to be taken with a very large pinch of salt. You may get the quantity of content with Sky, but you don't always get the best quality. 


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