Discussion topic: Sky Q and virtual chat

This message was authored by Rev+David This message was authored by: Rev+David

Sky Q and virtual chat

Twice I have gone through virtual chat, both times it has ended saying it has ordered me a new sky q box, neither time has it shown in my orders... what should I do?

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This message was authored by twilight+princess This message was authored by: twilight+princess Answer

Re: Sky Q and virtual chat

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Seems to be a standard fix these days. I ordered a replacement Sky Q remote & found that Sky had also sent me a replacement box as well without asking if I wanted one. Sorting that out was a nightmare & still isn't resolved.
In your case I suspect that although the VA stated a new box is being ordered that it hasn't ordered anything. You'll probably have to phone for a replacement box if required.

I don’t work for Sky.
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