Discussion topic: Skq Q Mini - Wifi Connections

This message was authored by jjmixman This message was authored by: jjmixman

Skq Q Mini - Wifi Connections

So, I've just ordered a 2nd Sky Q mini box for use in an upstairs bedroom. We have a large house and a sophisticated home network with multiple wi-fi access points hard wired back to the router. Backhall is 300Mbps fibre to the premises.

I'd very much expected that I could just connect the new mini to the house wi-fi. There's 5 bars of signal at the box, coming from an access point that is located directly under it in the room below. Sure enough, the box finds the SSID, accepts the passwords, gets an IP address and connects. A picture + sound appears and it works. For about 30s. Then it drops the connection. The access point report that the client has disconnected. And it won't reconnect unless a full network reset is done. At which point it connects, works for 30s and then drops the connection again.

I tried briefly with the Sky Mesh 5GHz network which will work if the box is next to the main Q box but, not surprisingly, doesn't work at the place where the new mini is to be used. There is some 3-4' of masonry in the way.

So then I got a USB powered wi-fi dongle.  Bound it to the wi-fi network, and plugged into into the mini box. Thus the mini box *thinks* it is hard wired although it is actually connected to exactly the same AP and signal that it wasn't playing with before. Works like a charm!!!

So why is the mini box baulking at a direct connection to the same Wi-Fi. For the record, the AP is TP-Link EAP110.





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This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: Skq Q Mini - Wifi Connections

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@jjmixman wrote:

At which point it connects, works for 30s and then drops the connection again.

Unfortunately, that's the case unless you connect Q boxes to mesh AP's via Ethernet as you've discovered...

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own even if you don't like the answers
Topic Author
This message was authored by jjmixman This message was authored by: jjmixman

Re: Skq Q Mini - Wifi Connections

How very odd. So what's the point of offering up the ability to connect to the local wi-fi in the setup screens if it doesn't work?


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