Discussion topic: Re: My screen is saying does not support HDCP

This message was authored by JH17 This message was authored by: JH17

Re: My screen is saying does not support HDCP

I have the following error message:-

'This screen does not support HDCP. Try reconnecting your HDMI cable, or use a different screeen'

This is stopping me from watching Sky TV via one of my sky q mini boxes.

I have rebooted the mini box, unplugged the Sky branded HDMI cable, waited 5 minutes, reset the box and I still get the same message. I have done this on several occasions. 


Best Answers
This message was authored by Mjginwales This message was authored by: Mjginwales Answer

Re: My screen is saying does not support HDCP

Try unplugging the tv as well as  sky

and leave for a good few minutes

justvincaenita static on the circuit boards and hdmi etc

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