Discussion topic: Overheating Sky Q box in standby

This message was authored by Gareth369 This message was authored by: Gareth369

Overheating Sky Q box in standby

Hi, our Sky Q box, which is several years old now is hot to the touch in standby. It's hot enough that you can feel the heat through the wooden cabinet shelf above it. We've turned the power off for now.


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This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Overheating Sky Q box in standby

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Is it well ventilated in the position it's in? It's designed to run quite hot but you should still be able to rest the palm of your hand on the box. 

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This message was authored by Gareth369 This message was authored by: Gareth369

Re: Overheating Sky Q box in standby

Hi, it lives in a shelved unit below the tv, has done for many years but only just noticed how warm it was.


It's not so hot you can't touch it, just surprised it's so hot even in standby.


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