Discussion topic: Once upon a time

This message was authored by petro1head This message was authored by: petro1head

Once upon a time

I joined sky a long time ago and when hd came out I went for it.  At the time I got f1 included


About 18 months ago I spoke to a sky customer service agent who enquired about my package saying that he could offer a better deal including sky cinema, so I went for it.


Worst thing ibcould have done because within a hour I had lost F1.  I was given no warning by the sky guy.  I spoke to sky but the damage was done, no F1.  They offered sport for free but once the contract was up I was going to have to pay for it.


So I now no longer have sport, can't afford it, but th8s means no F1.


Just like to thank sky for this blunder leaving me F1 empty