Discussion topic: Nothing on Sky Q working

This message was authored by jonlee15 This message was authored by: jonlee15

Nothing on Sky Q working

Hi All


help needed I live in flats and issue with the communal dish and awaiting a fix from engineer.

woke up this morning and when I go to all menu options such as recording and apps just getting a message saying to use this service you need a satellite signal 


cannot get through to Sky to talk to someone just bots now it seams , may leave Sky soon to many issues and bills going up all the time 


thanks all 




All Replies

This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: Nothing on Sky Q working

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Q will stop functioning after losing satellite signal - either days or weeks.


You need to contact who looks after your communal dish - Sky cannot help you directly.

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own even if you don't like the answers
This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Nothing on Sky Q working

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@jonlee15 wrote:

Hi All


help needed I live in flats and issue with the communal dish and awaiting a fix from engineer.

woke up this morning and when I go to all menu options such as recording and apps just getting a message saying to use this service you need a satellite signal 


cannot get through to Sky to talk to someone just bots now it seams , may leave Sky soon to many issues and bills going up all the time 


thanks all 



Hi @jonlee15 

Check in your Q box hidden menu that your LNB type is SCR.

To enter hidden menu press Home and navigate down to Settings but do not select Settings.
With Settings highlighted press 0 0 1 Select.
If LNB type says Wideband then you need to change it to SCR

After the Change you need to reboot your Q 

To reboot press Standby on your Sky Q remote (if the box responds to the remote), and then switch off and unplug at the mains.
Wait at least 30 secs and then Plug back in and switch your Sky Q box back on at the mains.
Wait for the on screen instructions to disappear and the front led to turn Amber. Then wait for 30 secs before you press Home on your Sky Q remote or if this is not working press the standby button on the front of the Q box (Amber led)

note: some features may take up to 5 minutes to return.


If it is already on SCR then work  through the following link.  If you cannot solve your issue then as you are on a Communal Dish you will need to contact your Landlord or Management company.


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