Discussion topic: Netflix has not load on my sky app for over a week now

This message was authored by Dan360 This message was authored by: Dan360

Netflix has not load on my sky app for over a week now

Netflix hasn't loaded on sky app for over a week. All other apps work fine. 
what has happened?


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This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix has not load on my sky app for over a week now

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

When you started writing the subject line for this post you would have seen a series of suggestions about other threads on similar topics so that you can check those before asking the same question hundreds of other people already asked. One of those suggestions, which is near the top of the list on here, is hundreds of posts long so easy to find, tells you that Sky have identified a bug they are working with Netflix to fix, and has a fairly reliable workaround/solution in it which is re-stated in the last couple of pages.


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