Discussion topic: My sky q remote is not working properly,only some of the buttons work so it will move up and down bu

This message was authored by adrianwatson874 This message was authored by: adrianwatson874

My sky q remote is not working properly,only some of the buttons work so it will move up and down bu

It will move up and down but not side to side I've tried all the set up things to do again still no luck any ideas


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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: My sky q remote is not working properly,only some of the buttons work so it will move up and dow

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@adrianwatson874 wrote:

It will move up and down but not side to side I've tried all the set up things to do again still no luck any ideas

Hi @adrianwatson874 

Check the following link and it will lead to a form for a replacement remote.
In the meantime if you have an Apple device with Sky Go you can set up a virtual remote to control your Q boxes.
See following link.


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