Discussion topic: My LG OLED turns off by itself while watching Sky but not Netflix etc

This message was authored by Elaine-2902 This message was authored by: Elaine-2902

My LG OLED turns off by itself while watching Sky but not Netflix etc

My LG OLED tv turns off by itself while watching Sky but not when watching TV via apps.  I've been in touch with Sky and had a new box, and switched standby options to manual & it's still doing it.  Mainly during the evening, it's really frustrating as it can on & off 6-7 times during a 5 minute period be okay for a while then starts doing it again.  It's not the TV as we can watch on apps via the internet and it never happens.  Any ideas to sort the problem would be much appreciated.  We have also carried out updates as recommended by Sky.  Many thanks.


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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: My LG OLED turns off by itself while watching Sky but not Netflix etc

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@Elaine-2902 wrote:

My LG OLED tv turns off by itself while watching Sky but not when watching TV via apps.  I've been in touch with Sky and had a new box, and switched standby options to manual & it's still doing it.  Mainly during the evening, it's really frustrating as it can on & off 6-7 times during a 5 minute period be okay for a while then starts doing it again.  It's not the TV as we can watch on apps via the internet and it never happens.  Any ideas to sort the problem would be much appreciated.  We have also carried out updates as recommended by Sky.  Many thanks.

Hi @Elaine-2902 

HDMI (CEC) control on the Sky Q box will turn the Television On when the Q hox is switched on.  Thats assuming that HDMI is turned on in the Q settings and also on the LG TV settings. On LG HDMI control is called SIMPLINK (HDMI-CEC).

However when the Q box is turned off it will not switch the TV off and so your issue doesn't appear to be due to Q box HDMI control.


On the latest Q update Sky did change the software so that the Q box would turn off when the television is turns off.


So the first question would be:-

Does the Sky Q box shut down when the LG TV erroneously goes into standby?


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