Discussion topic: Move skyQ mini box to man cave

This message was authored by bluesamie This message was authored by: bluesamie

Move skyQ mini box to man cave

We want to move our skyQ minibox to the man cave. We have the extra wire and connections but it looks like we need an engineer to attach the connections. Does anyone know if it's possible for us to do this or do we need an engineer with the correct tool? How do I book an engineer?

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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Move skyQ mini box to man cave

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@bluesamie wrote:
We want to move our skyQ minibox to the man cave. We have the extra wire and connections but it looks like we need an engineer to attach the connections. Does anyone know if it's possible for us to do this or do we need an engineer with the correct tool? How do I book an engineer?

Hi @bluesamie 

If you are referring to connecting the Ethernet RJ45 plugs onto the cable you should be able to get an independent Satellite installer to do this.

You could contact Sky but not sure if they would be prepared to send an Engineer.

If they would it's likely to be chargeable in the region of £65


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