Discussion topic: Losing connectivity despite Ethernet connection and no internet issues

This message was authored by MikeYiannis This message was authored by: MikeYiannis

Losing connectivity despite Ethernet connection and no internet issues


our SkyQ keeps losing connectivity. It is connected by Ethernet to a Starlink router and all WiFi bands switched off. No issues with internet yet Sky keeps losing it, tried all suggestions, any other ideas anyone? Our AV instller thinks it could be a Sky Q box problem 


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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Losing connectivity despite Ethernet connection and no internet issues

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MikeYiannis wrote:


our SkyQ keeps losing connectivity. It is connected by Ethernet to a Starlink router and all WiFi bands switched off. No issues with internet yet Sky keeps losing it, tried all suggestions, any other ideas anyone? Our AV instller thinks it could be a Sky Q box problem 

Hi @MikeYiannis 

Completely reset the connection.

First reboot the router by removing the power lead for 30 seconds and then reconnecting.

Then carry out a Network reset on the main Q box with the Ethernet connected.
Network Reset found in Q box Home - Settings - Setup - Network.
Highlight Status and then select Reset on the right hand side. Select connect wired to non Sky Router. Do not carry out any WPS and just wait for the box to connect. It may take a couple of minutes. If it does not connect there is an issue with the Ethernet connection.
As soon as it connects go immediately into the Q box hidden menu and turn off WiFi.

To enter hidden menu press Home and navigate down to Settings but do not select Settings.
With Settings highlighted press 0 0 1 Select.
Go to Network to turn off both bands of WiFi. Confirm before exit.

This message was authored by JasonKruys This message was authored by: JasonKruys

Re: Losing connectivity despite Ethernet connection and no internet issues

Yeah, this has been happening to me lots over the last few days (and indeed, does happen every now and then for a period where lots of other people report similar issues).


It is not my router, switches, or any equipment on my network. Just for fun I tried the network reset that gets peddled every time someone has an issue - but I knew it wouldn't work. Bizarrely the SkyQ Main box just stops sending/responding to DHCP solicit's/Acks, so when the lease runs out on the network it does not pick up the address again and defaults to a address. Unplugging the SkyQ box from the mains for 30 seconds, then powering it back on restores connection....until the lease expires. 

This message was authored by Angel1929 This message was authored by: Angel1929

Re: Losing connectivity despite Ethernet connection and no internet issues

Unable to connect my sky q mini box in bedroom.

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Losing connectivity despite Ethernet connection and no internet issues

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Angel1929 wrote:

Unable to connect my sky q mini box in bedroom.

I would start a new thread if you don't use starlink as this thread is mostly about that. (Although the problem with the Q's networking that Jason articulates above is likely not specific to Starlink routers. But with my bog standard ethernet router, I don't get that dhcp problem, Q's been solid for maybe 2 years)


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