Discussion topic: Is my sky q replacement box hacked?

This message was authored by Rambhi This message was authored by: Rambhi

Is my sky q replacement box hacked?

Hi guys. 

I recently realised after not using sky q iplayer app in a while and I've discovered just today that someone else's account had been logging in and mine removed. The engineer who replaced it didn't do a factory reset of my old box so I'm not sure what's going on. 

I had my faulty sky q box replaced in December and before that noticed that random apps like Disney plus, Netflix and prime video would stop working suddenly as if more than the allowed users were on at the same time. 

Now with this new box and weird crashes as if it's updating its firmware or if you pulled the cable and turning off whilst watching a movie is the least of my problems. I get series linked recordings I've never seen or care to. I'm the only user in my house. Lots of weird things like suggestions I don't have any interest in. Slow and laggy performance on a wired Ethernet v3 sky q box on gigabit internet connection. It's so laggy. 

im very scared. Could my Sky Q be hacked? How did someone with a silly name on profile manage to remotely remove my account for bbc iplayer for example and inset theirs. Attached screenshot. 

even apps like itv x and Netflix etc have views and linked programs I've never seen or viewed. All passwords are different. 

any advice would be greatly appreciated and thanks. 🙏 

