Discussion topic: Internet connection failing on start up

This message was authored by Robert104 This message was authored by: Robert104

Internet connection failing on start up

Why doesn't my skyw box remember my internet connection and password. 
I frequently switch on and no internet connection and have to go through the process to select provider (virgin) and enter password. 
try his becomes very annoying when the connection can not be made. This does NOT happen with television or any other internet use in the house - just SKYQ

i have frequently done all the switch off router reboot etc but doesn't seem to work


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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Internet connection failing on start up

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@Robert104 wrote:

Why doesn't my skyw box remember my internet connection and password. 
I frequently switch on and no internet connection and have to go through the process to select provider (virgin) and enter password. 
try his becomes very annoying when the connection can not be made. This does NOT happen with television or any other internet use in the house - just SKYQ

i have frequently done all the switch off router reboot etc but doesn't seem to work

Hi @Robert104 

Assume you are entering SSID and password for the 2.4Ghz band in a Network reset on your Q box?

Topic Author
This message was authored by Robert104 This message was authored by: Robert104

Re: Internet connection failing on start up

Don't know what you mean about 2.4 etc as was not prompted for any thing like that. 
my virgin router has both these set up and working for every thing else


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