Discussion topic: Have Sky Q with Sky Cinema & Sky signature but can't download on demand content, SD or HD

This message was authored by RaeStJames This message was authored by: RaeStJames

Have Sky Q with Sky Cinema & Sky signature but can't download on demand content, SD or HD

I am a long time Sky Q customer with a Sky signature and Sky Cinema package and could previously download and watch on demand content. Haven't watched on demand for a while and recently tried to download a show on demand from U&Alibi and kept getting the message that I don't have the relevant subscription. I should be able to download on demand with the subscription I have except Sky rcently changed the content of their packages. I only seem to be able to stream what is currently playing but when I serach for a show e.g. Murdoch mysteries and try to download and watch, I get the wrong subscrption message. Does anyone know what the issue could be and how to resolve? Everything else works fine. Thanks.