Discussion topic: Hard drive problem

This message was authored by LaraRichards This message was authored by: LaraRichards

Hard drive problem

Sky hard drive problem. Tried following online instructions but still not working 


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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Hard drive problem

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@LaraRichards wrote:

Sky hard drive problem. Tried following online instructions but still not working 

Hi @LaraRichards 

Normally a hard Drive error  is terminal.

If you have been all through the following link and cannot solve your issue there is the option to replace your Q box.


This message was authored by Fergus+MacRoth This message was authored by: Fergus+MacRoth

Re: Hard drive problem

My last Q box was a replacement for my original, in which the card slot had broken and wouldn't retain the card. But from Day One, the new box would occasionally freeze and require a reboot. On average, about once a week or two (sometimes a month or so). It wasn't a major issue, so I soldiered on for a couple of years.

A week ago, it began doing it virtually every day, requiring a software reinstall (reset). After the third time, I contacted Sky and they readily agreed there was a fault with the box (I didn't have to run through antything - I just told them what I'd done, and that was enough). They sent out a new box, and it arrived within two days via DPD. That was fortunate, because on the day the new one arrived, the old one didn't work even after the fourth and final reset I did that morning. I have assumed my problem was a hard disk issue, which it probably was.

You need to contact Sky (I phoned), and it will turn out far better than you're probably thinking right now.


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