Discussion topic: HD+ to Q box post installation

This message was authored by Oldtimer67 This message was authored by: Oldtimer67

HD+ to Q box post installation

Hi Due to get free upgrade to Q box from Sky+HD due to no longer supporting +HD

 1.         We have personal stuff (TV appearances)  of our recently deceased daughter on the HD + box  and Sky tell me i can transfer/ copy this onto a DVD recorder to save it  so we can look back and listen to her voice which she lost as part of her terminal illness.....   😞

has anyone recorded off their box onto a DVD recorder successfully ?


2.   Someone mentioned also said that there are people who can take an old SkyHD+ box and remove the Hard drive and then get the recorded stuff onto a USB stick  after the switch has been done ---im assuming Sky will allow us to keep the old HD+ box ---again has anyone heard of this being done ?

We obviously want to be able to save  the recordings of our daughter ...

thanks all in anticipation of your feedback 


All Replies

This message was authored by Raider999 This message was authored by: Raider999

Re: HD+ to Q box post installation

@Oldtimer67 yes it is possible to copy recordings from a skyHD+ bo  to a DVD recorder. Used to do this all the time. Unfortunately the quality degrades slightly.


It is not possiblevto copy recordings from a HD+ box to skyQ as it uses totally different system.


Your HD+ box belongs to you so if you can find someone to do it you will be able to. I would advise copying to your dvd recorder before you get skyQ just as a safeguard. I have 2 x 2TB HD+ boxes in my garage.


Please make sure your skyQ box is UHD compatible as a lot of the 1Tb boxes given as free upgrades are not. To ensure this you might need to add UHD to your package - you can remove when you get the required box.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Oldtimer67 This message was authored by: Oldtimer67

Re: HD+ to Q box post installation

@Raider999   thank you for this 

Sky actually stated that the box i would receive would be a 1TB UHD box  , but will double check with engineer as you suggest before he does the work 

Ive got about a month before tehy come to do it so time to get stuff onto DVD disks  ( based on your experience of copying DVDs any particular disks  you would recommend to buy ? )

thanks again for your help .

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: HD+ to Q box post installation

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Oldtimer67 wrote:

@Raider999   thank you for this 

Sky actually stated that the box i would receive would be a 1TB UHD box  , but will double check with engineer as you suggest before he does the work 

Ive got about a month before tehy come to do it so time to get stuff onto DVD disks  ( based on your experience of copying DVDs any particular disks  you would recommend to buy ? )

thanks again for your help .


Hi @Oldtimer67 

I use Verbatim disks in my Freeview Blu-ray recorder - mainly Blu-Ray these days but occasionally DVDs(ages since I bought any DVDs) - I have used verbatim since getting my first HDD/DVD recorder may moons ago now.


Although you have arranged the switch to SKy Q you may still wish to read/benefit from  reading some notes I have made for people considering switching from SKY +/HD to SKY Q

SKY +/HD to SKY Q 


BTW If you have a SKY HD box then you may wish to know the lack of support would not really be a problem unless there is an actual failure


Edit : BTW Very sorry to read the sad reason for wanting to transfer your recordings (which to be honest I feel you should have copied before now as HDD's can fail at any time). I would encourage you to copy to more than one disc just in case of any future failure - although rare in the short term on optical media  problems can still happen.

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: HD+ to Q box post installation

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Firstly, sincere condolences. Very sorry to read your story.

What channel were these shows on? If it was a free to air one like BBC or ITV then it's pretty easy (for someone with a screwdriver and a free piece of software)  to get a 100% fidelity digital copy onto a PC.

If they were on a pay/encrypted channel then I don't know if there's some dodgy piracy corner of the internet where it's possible - in the old Sky+ days there was but the security on skyHD was beefed up a lot.


However, you mentioned that you wanted to hear her voice. The optical audio-only output, unlike HDMI, isn't encrypted and would give a perfect digital recording, you could connect it to a PC and use any sound recording software via one of these



and a cable like this if you don't have one


Topic Author
This message was authored by Oldtimer67 This message was authored by: Oldtimer67

Re: HD+ to Q box post installation

Thank you for your suggestions and your thoughts 


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