Discussion topic: Download Failed - Remote Network Problem

This message was authored by Me123321123 This message was authored by: Me123321123

Download Failed - Remote Network Problem

This is a problem which occurs frequently and always with programmes which have adverts.  Downloading BBC or similar content is fine, sometimes the programmes start downloading, then they fail and they ONLY fail when switching from adverts to the main content.  So for a SKY FIlm - once you get to the beginning of the film after many attempts, it will download the film.  The latest was from FBI International when it got to 35 minutes in and the advert finished, it continued to play for a few minutes without the screen changing, then jumped to the end and said download failed, wouldn't let me rewind, quite or anything.  This has been going on for years and I've tried all the fixes from the old thread but they don't work.  I did get slightly better - when I spoke to Sky they said they were trying to fix the problem and would let me know when it was fixed....  That was so long ago I can't actually remember when. 


Sky blame my ISP, my ISP says it's a problem with Sky which affects some customers.  Great...  


Anyone managed to solve this yet?


Best Answers
This message was authored by notagain This message was authored by: notagain Answer

Re: Download Failed - Remote Network Problem

Change your DNS servers to Cloudflare, most ISP's DMS servers are the week point, they are basically the inetnet phone book so when your TV or sky box or computer goes to an address its broken down into domains and sub domains, anywhay DNS servers are week points and most ISP's run them overloaded making it hard to dial into the site you want to get to at times like a engaged number as an analogy

 Googles DNS is okay but slower than Cloudflares whch have a massive world wide network of servers and withstood the biggest Denial of service attach ever recorded with 71 million requets per second hitting them! It will speed up your browing to. Just change either the Sky box or better your routers  DNS so all your devices benifi. Change to and that cured this issue for me pretty much. It also gave me much fatsre DNS lookups. You can use and to block malware and and to block malware and pornography.


Damned if you do, damned if you dont

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