Discussion topic: Channel currently affected…. message

This message was authored by Bill1968 This message was authored by: Bill1968

Channel currently affected…. message

I'm in the NW of England and getting an intermittent loss of signal on 3-4 different channels, with the message 'This. Channel is currently affected by a problem with your satellite signal'


I recently removed all the limbs from a nearby tree which an engineer said was causing by previous problems with no signal, and this immediately fixed the issue. The weather is currently glorious with no signs of storms in the area.


What could be causing this current issue?


All Replies

This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Channel currently affected…. message

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Bill1968  Most likely the aforementioned tree or dish misalignmet?

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
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Topic Author
This message was authored by Bill1968 This message was authored by: Bill1968

Re: Channel currently affected…. message

@GD1  - When I said I recently removed all the limbs from this tree, I meant recently as in about 3 months ago. The tree is limbless and not the issue. I can't possibly imagine how dish alignment is the issue either. We've had no winds in the area for a very long time, and the dish's location means it's fairly protected from winds anyway.

This message was authored by LouBe This message was authored by: LouBe

Re: Channel currently affected…. message

I had the same here in SE England after lightening. A few channels showing the same message.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Bill1968 This message was authored by: Bill1968

Re: Channel currently affected…. message

Thanks, @LouBe 


Maybe it was storms outside my immediate area then. Anyway, it seemed to rectify itself not long after my original posting. I suspect the channels in question use a weak transponder (listen to me pretending I know what I'm talking about) and are more susceptible to signal loss than others.


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