Discussion topic: Channel 5 pixelating

This message was authored by Ikon99 This message was authored by: Ikon99

Re: Channel 5 pixelating

Since I posted it seems to have got a lot better for some reason. Not done anything. Touch wood 

This message was authored by discodiver5 This message was authored by: discodiver5

Re: Channel 5 pixelating

Hi all just a quick update - I called sky technical support this morning and I was told the dish now needs to be pointing to a different satellite (sky use several apparently). Not sure of the truth in all that but let's see what the engineer does tomorrow. Keep you posted. Maybe for channel 5 a different satellite has a better signal.......

This message was authored by Ikon99 This message was authored by: Ikon99

Re: Channel 5 pixelating

Interesting. When I rang them they didn't offer any solution other than try a full factory reset but would lose all recordings and settings etc 🤨🤨

This message was authored by xenon81 This message was authored by: xenon81

Re: Channel 5 pixelating

@discodiver5 wrote:

Hi all just a quick update - I called sky technical support this morning and I was told the dish now needs to be pointing to a different satellite (sky use several apparently). Not sure of the truth in all that but let's see what the engineer does tomorrow. Keep you posted. Maybe for channel 5 a different satellite has a better signal.......

Technically Sky is broadcast from 3 satellites, but they are all located at the same position, so the dish just needs to point at the same place it always has. Sometimes a dish moves very slightly out of alignment during strong winds etc and some channels can be affected. 

This message was authored by mrsjessicamcquaid This message was authored by: mrsjessicamcquaid

Re: Channel 5 pixelating

Very reassuring to know we're not the only ones with this problem. Havent bothered with engineers but our channel 5 recorded programmes are unwatchable...am planning on a reset and will see what happens then

This message was authored by Pogit This message was authored by: Pogit

Re: Channel 5 pixelating

I just wanted to add to this as I've always had this issue with channel 5 yet using the same setup just watching via dresser built into the TVs I have no issues with channel 5. So it's definitely restated to the sky Q boxes handling of the signal.   B CS aren't interested unless I do a full factory reset of both sky Q and my VM router which I'm not going to do.   
So that with the ever increasing pricing has convinced me it's time to say by to sky £65 a month is what they want for pixelation on pi

oublic broadcast channels, WiFi that doesn't work, Netflix issues ans mini box problems.   What happened to Sky they just to be leaders now they barely manage the basics? 

SkyQ 2TBv3 (32B206 - Q270.000.10.9L (5u193ht) (Ethernet) on LGUM7400, SkyQMini (32D0B2 - Q270.000.10.9L (5u193ht) (Ethernet) Virgin Media BB.

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