Discussion topic: Cancel sky tv but keep the box

This message was authored by AZRNQV This message was authored by: AZRNQV

Cancel sky tv but keep the box



i have cancelled my sky tv but wondering if I can keep the box for a charge or fee? I don't really need the full sky tv but my mother likes watching the international channels





All Replies

This message was authored by SlenderRobert This message was authored by: SlenderRobert

Re: Cancel sky tv but keep the box

@AZRNQV wrote:



i have cancelled my sky tv but wondering if I can keep the box for a charge or fee? I don't really need the full sky tv but my mother likes watching the international channels




If it's a Sky Q box then no, you can't keep it as it remains the property of Sky and even if you did keep it and pay the non-return fee it would be pretty useless without a subscription. 

This message was authored by Invisiblename This message was authored by: Invisiblename

Re: Cancel sky tv but keep the box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@SlenderRobert wrote:

@AZRNQV wrote:



i have cancelled my sky tv but wondering if I can keep the box for a charge or fee? I don't really need the full sky tv but my mother likes watching the international channels




If it's a Sky Q box then no, you can't keep it as it remains the property of Sky and even if you did keep it and pay the non-return fee it would be pretty useless without a subscription. 

@AZRNQV  Further to @SlenderRobert  comment, even if you did pay the 'non-return' fee, the equipment STILL belongs to Sky

I am just another Sky customer!
This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Cancel sky tv but keep the box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@AZRNQV wrote:



i have cancelled my sky tv but wondering if I can keep the box for a charge or fee? I don't really need the full sky tv but my mother likes watching the international channels






SKY have started to do a subscription called Essentials which is basically SKy Q box but just for the FTA (free to Air)  channels (aka Freesat) that use the Satellites at 28.2E


I am not sure which of the international channels are FTA  rather than needing a full subscription


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