Discussion topic: Can not get signal back on skyq box after one of the input cables came out.

This message was authored by Michael141 This message was authored by: Michael141

Can not get signal back on skyq box after one of the input cables came out.

One of my cables came out of the back of my q box and iv not been able to get signal since(I'm presuming my 3 year old done it and the screw connector came off too) iv obviously tried rescrewing it in but nothing. Iv cut the wires further down thinking maybe there's a break inside the rubber but nothing. Really strange as it's obvious that it's the input cables that are the problem as it's no coincidence  that one was out when there was no signal.


All Replies

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Can not get signal back on skyq box after one of the input cables came out.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

There are a number of video clips online which demonstrate how to fit an f-plug to the coax satellite cable. If the f-plug is a crimp-on type, you'll need to replace it. If you're unable to fit it successfully give Sky a ring to arrange an engineer callout.


Here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjMiCgyeFm4&pp=ygUraG93IHRvIGZpdCBhbiBmIGNvbm5lY3RvciB0byBjb2F4aWFsI...

Or written instructions:  https://www.trade-works.co.uk/blog/2011/08/how-to-fit-an-f-type-connector/

This message was authored by Godfrey This message was authored by: Godfrey

Re: Can not get signal back on skyq box after one of the input cables came out.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Michael141   We are obviously not in a position to know if you have correctly re-terminated the coaxial cables that feed your Sky Q receiver.

But, if your coaxial cables were previously professionally terminated by Sky using compression F connectors and your three year old infant has pulled hard enough to pull a compression connector off the end of the cable, they could well have flexed the rear panel mounted F connector sockets to the point where they are no longer correctly soldered into the Sky Q receiver printed circuit board.



Topic Author
This message was authored by Michael141 This message was authored by: Michael141

Re: Can not get signal back on skyq box after one of the input cables came out.

Thanks for your help. I went and bought new f connectors and followed the first of them videos you linked. All works fine now. You saved our Xmas as I booked an engineer and he wasn't coming till 28th. After watching the video I'm convinced it was the bushy wires that you pull back interfering with the main prong. Thanks you and merry xmas

Topic Author
This message was authored by Michael141 This message was authored by: Michael141

Re: Can not get signal back on skyq box after one of the input cables came out.

Thanks for your help. Merry xmas


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