Discussion topic: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

This message was authored by darbysth12 This message was authored by: darbysth12

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

My response from sky.


Thanks for that, it looks like we've asked for more info from customers to investigate this but haven't had many replies back so this can be checked out, Petert. Click this post here and you can ethe reply on the community forum or drop me the answers and I can get tat info passed on to Daniel to add to their investigation. https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Sky-Q/Audio-drop-outs-on-Discovery-Channel/m-p/4620058 ^Carol .

This message was authored by Jubuthomp This message was authored by: Jubuthomp

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

We have the same issue regardless of the channel and not just when recorded shows

currenly watching wheeler dealers 01/11/2024. 20:27 and has been happening since tuning in on previous programs 

our internet speed is good  so it's not that. 
we are watching through sky box

would welcome advice from sky! 

This message was authored by greatestweb This message was authored by: greatestweb

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

I have the same issue while watching scrap kings on Discovery HD 3rd November 2024.  intermittent sound glitch lasts for fractions of a second. Quite annoying though as it lasts throughout the entire program. 

This message was authored by ViceGrip This message was authored by: ViceGrip

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

Just to add that this is happening regularly here too. Only ever on discovery recordings. 

Tried the audio output workaround mentioned. Doesn't solve things, but changing the hdmi output (what we're using) to normal makes the drop outs MUCH quicker and more bearable. 

I'd estimate they are now lasting around 20-40ms rather than around 100ms. 

Still very annoying. But less so... 

This message was authored by darbysth12 This message was authored by: darbysth12

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

Happening again today (live).Discovery channel fast n loud started 10.00

This message was authored by Jonathanpm This message was authored by: Jonathanpm

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

I am getting the same issue, audio drop outs about a second long and very variable in frequency, currently watching Alaska Mega Machines in HD, very irritating 😳

This message was authored by portraitrepairs This message was authored by: portraitrepairs

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

Hi if I change the sound in audio and visual settings to normal absolutely no dropouts whatsoever, change back to Dolby digital or digital plus and the dropouts return. 

This message was authored by themaestro23 This message was authored by: themaestro23

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

No other channels are affected by this sound drop out, only Discovery HD and Quest HD. So, to say it is my settings, sound output equipment or anything else, is passing the buck. Maybe it's a Sky Q fault as their recent update broke a couple of other things too, like the search function and inability to find recordings. Sky are just ignoring these faults but I got a new HDR box out of it as the equipment appeared faulty, it's not. 

John (themaestro023)
This message was authored by themaestro23 This message was authored by: themaestro23

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

It's the broadcast that's the problem. I had that issue with James May last night, the recording sound dropped out every few seconds but when I downloaded the episode from catch up the sound was good. 

John (themaestro023)
This message was authored by JN4 This message was authored by: JN4

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

The sound drops out briefly through the programme when I watch a recording of gold rush on Discovery.It only happens when I watch Gold Rush.Any ideas?


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