Discussion topic: o2 iphone and a Sky ipad

This message was authored by LouiseJackson This message was authored by: LouiseJackson

o2 iphone and a Sky ipad

Hi, I have an iphone 16 with o2, which I got on a really good deal, I have just ordered an iPad through Sky, again through a really good deal.  Will I need to have two seperate mobile numbers, one for my phone and another for my ipad? 

I would prefer only one number, but appreciate this may not be possible, as they're two seperate carriers.  If I need two I won't be using the one on the ipad. 

Can I use my existing Apple ID on the ipad so everything transferes over?

Will WhatsApp transfer over if it is on a different number?


Apologies for all the questions, just want to double check before I set the new iPad up, so I don't fluff everything up!


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This message was authored by 63johnw This message was authored by: 63johnw

Re: o2 iphone and a Sky ipad

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @LouiseJackson  you can't share one number over 2 devices other than swapping one sim between them so each device would need its own sim/number. You can use the same Apple ID over two devices. WhatsApp can be set up on the phone that has the sim in against that number. 



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